The reasons why our body is depleted (many do not notice)

2 min readNov 20, 2021


I've noticed that a lot of people around me are really exhausted. But they don't notice it. They think that everything is normal. It is understandable, because this is such a smooth process, the depletion of the body does not come overnight, not abruptly. Therefore, I wrote this article. So that people notice this, and understand the reasons why this is happening.

The first reason is that we are overloading our nervous system. We perceive constant stress at work or at home as normal. Also, many often drink coffee, and this also affects. One plus another, and every day if this happens, then the person fades away. He is no longer so susceptible to quarrels, tensions.

The body is depleted, there is no longer the strength to react like a healthy person. After all, what does a healthy person do when he is stressed? Solves the problem or gets out of the situation. But most people choose to endure. And this day after day gives more and more exhaustion, especially since it really happens smoothly, imperceptibly.

Another reason is that we do not pay due attention to our body in the physical. No morning exercise or jogging. We try to move as little as possible, always by car or bus, the main thing is not to walk. And, it would seem, on the contrary, it should help, so as not to strain the body.

But, the less we give the load, the weaker the body becomes. If a person keeps himself in good shape, is engaged in physical activity, then exhaustion will not be soon. And if a person leads a sedentary lifestyle, moves a little, forgot about exercise, like many people, then it is clear that the body will be depleted.

And the last reason I want to talk about is food. We do not monitor what we eat. We do it on the go, buy food in questionable places, eat a lot of heavy food, and, generally, eat a lot. Naturally the body will be depleted. Few people limit themselves to food or think about fasting to cleanse the body.

Few people remember vegetables and fruits. Although these are necessary things for our body. An apple a day keeps the doctor away, are you remember that? If our body is constantly engaged in the processing of everything that enters it, then it is clear that there will be exhausting. No wonder many sages said that we need to eat less.

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