Stubborn VS Persistent: the pros and the cons.

The Jazz of Psychology
4 min readMay 29, 2024


Some of you are probably thinking: “ain’t that the same thing?” And some of you, are probably like: “something tells us — no.” Kudos to the second half, cause you guessed it. Probably because you’ve been paying attention and know that not everything is as it appears. Especially in this place. To listen to the Post in Style click here. To read New Topics and Posts click here.

So then. When do we use the words “stubborn” and “persistent”? Most likely to describe a character trait, right? If so, which one of the two, do you think is the better one? Why some people are called stubborn when not giving up, and other’s, when doing the same — persistent? Because Perception.

Usually it is like so: if someone believes the action to be a “negative” one, then the person who continues to do it, will be called “stubborn.” In contrast to that is when someone believes something to be a “positive” action, so when a person continues to do that, they will be called “persistent.” So, the question is — why is it not in reverse? Who decided that “stubbornness” cannot be a “positive” thing and vice versa?

We did. The people. However. The crucial difference here is the Mindset, because that is the ground on which the outcome is based on. In other words: a Weak Mindset will see stubbornness as a negative only and, chances are, persistence as a positive. But. It’s not all black and white like that. In reality it’s grey. Here’s why.

A person who tries to achieve a goal over multiple attempts without changing anything in the process, is a stubborn one. This kind of “unchanging persistence” is usually a negative thing. It is said even that the definition for “insanity” is: expecting different results when doing everything exactly the same. Must agree there. Because as we know, from previous posts, it is the Weak Mindset that lacks the ability to adapt, hence why their “persistence” can only be viewed as “negative” and is described as stubborn.

On the other hand, we have the Strong Mindset and a “changing persistence.” Why? Because a Strong Mindset is able to analyze and adapt, which gives them the upper hand, allowing them to modify their approach toward their goal after each failure. Hence why their “persistence” is viewed as a “positive.”

A Weak Mindset will never see “stubbornness” as a positive, because of its lacking analytical abilities and also because “stubbornness” is usually associated with refusal to do something when asked. And with an “unmoving” opinion about something.

Right, quick side note — having an “unmoving” opinion about something is not necessarily a “bad thing,” as certain topics should never be ok. One of which is child abuse, or any form of abuse for that matter. To be “stubborn” about that being a bad thing is a positive. Moving along.

Now. What other times can stubbornness be a good thing? Well, not wanting to give up on rehab after experiencing a physical trauma, to name one example. Anybody who has suffered from any kind of physical, chronical pain knows that it can be quite difficult to force yourself to move, especially to exercise in order to elevate the pain. However, being “stubborn” in order to overcome that pain, so that it would not hinder your life is a good thing. That is when “stubbornness not to give up” becomes a positive and is called persistence.

Now then. Since we’ve crossed over into the grey area, let’s take a look at how “persistence” can be a negative thing too. Although seemingly positive, at first sight, persistence can turn negative when a person becomes too persistent. In some cases, it can even be called becoming “obsessed.” How so?

Well, because then the person loses all sight of everything else around them and focuses on their goal too much. In other words — they do not know when to quit. Being too “hell bent” on achieving your goal can become harmful not only to you, but also to those around you. When persistence becomes a source of “pain,” it turns into a negative and automatically gets called stubbornness. And now we’ve gone a full circle.

So. Persistence is only a positive thing, as long as it is under control and has positive results. Whereas, stubbornness is a negative thing, as long as it does not bring positive results.

That’s all for now. Thanks for reading and stay tuned for more.

