7 Clever Psychology Hacks That You Need to Know.

Psychology Leader
7 min readOct 19, 2021


Some psychologists believe that psychology is akin to traveling into a person’s soul: reaching deep into their core. While medieval psychology took another perspective of psychology to reflect their preference for the study of the mind. But modern psychologists view psychology as the science of human behavior. This article will focus on modern psychology, which gives us actionable principles for everyday life.

You are about to discover The best psychology hacks that I found out this year, and you will equally learn how to apply them in your daily life.

But before we start, did you know that human beings always think, act, and relate predictably because of their social and emotional constructs? Understanding the underlying principles that guide human behavior makes it easy to improve your personality and relationship with other people. There are thousands of psychological hacks out there that can help you improve your life and capabilities. Still, the psychological hacks revealed below are basic actions that you can perform today to transform your confidence, happiness, relationship with others, the way people perceive you, the impression you have on others, and a lot more.

Psychological hacks are not manipulation, it is basically behavioral adjustments that influence your lifestyle and life patterns. I am about to show you some of the best psychological hacks I found out this year. These hacks work best if you practice them consistently. And It would be best if you go through them slowly, one after another, to see how you can apply them in your relationships, career, business, and personal life. With that said, let’s dive right in, starting with the first hack.

1) Call people by their names

One of the most familiar words in any language is a person’s name. If you want to surprise a stranger, call them by their name. Every one of us has a component of selfishness within. We love ourselves so much that personal things like names, birthdays, and anniversaries thrill us. Learning people’s birthdays is another psychological hack that works. A person can’t hear enough of their names or special days. If you constantly inject people’s names into a conversation, you will keep them attentive and connected to you. Remember, people really love to hear about themselves.

2) Mirroring

This is one of the oldest psychological hacks. It is simply a practice of replicating the same body motion and posture of your audience. Statistics show less than 20% of people don’t make use of this hack. It’s because most people are shy. You don’t need to make it so glaring that you are mirroring anyone. Do it as subtly as possible. You can mirror a person 30 seconds after they made a gesture or positioned their body in a particular posture. This psychological hack gives you the power to become people’s favorite within minutes. Let me ask you one question: if you enter a room with 20 people in there, who would you talk to immediately? The most towering person in the room or the person wearing the same cloth, trousers, shoes, and cap as you? If you find a stranger dressed in the same attire as you, you will naturally go into a wow moment. Mirroring does the same thing. It connects you with people and creates oneness. Note that mirroring works best in a one-on-one conversation.

You can mirror people’s words: Once they say something, you repeat it and say it better. You can equally imitate people’s experiences. This kind of action makes people feel comfortable around you within minutes.

3) Use the magic word

Wow! This hack is straightforward. When people tell you something unusual or unique, respond with the word WOW!. I will give you an example: A friend meets you and says: “my son fell down yesterday” simply reply with an inflection of “wow” before you give your response. This simple action makes them feel heard and gets them to confide in you.

You meet a lady for the first time, and she tells you her name, just say: “wow.” Using the magic word triggers curiosity in the listener, and they wonder why you find them fascinating. When people get so much “wow” from you, they will naturally believe that they are exceptional, and then they’ll always want to be around you.

4) Use eye contact plus a mild smile

This hack is the toughest to practice but one of the most magical. I can bank on the claim that this simple act will get people to talk to you within 5 seconds. Try this with your siblings or your friend any time they are sitting alone. Get a chair or a stool and sit face-to-face with them. Look them directly in the eyes and start smiling gently, starting with one corner of your lips, then spread it gradually to the other side. This action will take a minute to complete, but before you even get the smile to spread across your face, your listener would already ask you; What is it? This hack is so natural with babies. They will look you in the eyes and bring a smile to life all over their face. We usually respond by smiling back.

Practice with your friends and siblings until it becomes natural. This simple action can win hundreds of friends for you within a short period. The only con of this hack is that it needs to be as natural as possible. Practice this hack until it becomes perfectly genuine. Try it! It works.

5) Frenemy

Don’t use this hack too often, and don’t take it too far. Here is how it works. If you have a friend who hardly grants requests or shares resources with people, use the frenemy hack on them. Before you ask for the thing you need, ask for something bigger. If the person refuses to give you, pick up a light quarrel with them over it and make it clear that they disappoint you in them. Reconcile with him afterward. When you are reconciled, ask for the thing you really want. Your friends would try to redeem their image, so they will grant your request.

6) Subtle Urgency

Most top-performing sales experts use this hack. The next time you see a line, jump the queue and go to the front, tell them to allow you to get what you want, and provide a very emotional reason they must oblige you. How many people, who have zero cash on them, have come up with thousands of dollars to preserve the life of loved ones or family members? The reason they achieve this mark is that of the sense of urgency. When people have an emotional reason to do things for you, you will always get what you want.

How do you create a sense of urgency? You only need to add a reason coupled with a limited time. To make this hack work perfectly, you need three elements. Request + emotional reason to grant request + time constraint. For example, can you let me have my meal right now because my flight leaves in 20 minutes and I can never get another one? Can you give me that money now because you are my only hope and I may never have this kind of opportunity again? Most people just make a request without giving a sense of urgency to the person listening to them. People need a reason to swing into action, and if you don’t give them a reason, they won’t act.

7) Fake it till you make it

This hack works best for people with low self-esteem. With this hack, you will make yourself feel extremely important before you appear in public. All you need to do is to find a private room where no one is watching you. Spread out your arm to your sides, spread out your legs sides ways too while standing. Hold yourself in this position for some minutes. Stand straight and raise your hand above your head, then allow your hand to fall freely to your side. Hold your hand in this position and say to yourself, “I own everything.”

Don’t think about what you lack, what you need, or what you want. Just think, only about how you own everything and anything in this world. By doing this, you convinced your body by taking a larger-than-life posture. Then with the words, you convince yourself that you are great. This hack won’t work for long. It will mostly work briefly, and that is why you should use it only when you have to appear in public or where you need so much coincidence.


These are seven hacks that you can adopt today and witness a dramatic change in your relationship with people, your self-esteem, and your ability to convince people. You may wonder why some people seem to get everything they want in life and others struggle to even own a minute fraction of life’s good. The simple reason is that some of us know how to deal with people while others don’t. You live in a people’s world. And people are entities that act and react.

If you know how to trigger the right actions or reactions, you will always get what you want in life. Like I mentioned earlier, these are not the only hacks out there. However, these are the best psychological hacks that I learned this year. It works for me, and I’m sure it would work for you too.

