Story behind Psychos

2 min readJan 24, 2023


Once upon a time, in the grand old city of Asylum Hills, in a remote corner of the country, there stood a grand old mental hospital known as the Asylum of the Damned.

It was a place of mystery and intrigue, with many stories circulating about the patients who lived within its walls. But little did anyone know, the true horror lay in the fact that several of the patients had managed to escape.

One day, something went horribly wrong. A group of psychos managed to escape from the Asylum and disappeared into the city. They were not just any ordinary patients, they were individuals with severe mental illnesses, who were known for their violent and unpredictable behavior.

Now, the city of Asylum Hills is in a state of panic as the psychos roam the streets, wreaking havoc and destruction wherever they go. The authorities are desperately searching for them, but they are elusive and cunning, always one step ahead.

As the city falls into chaos, a group of brave individuals have banded together to track down the psychos and bring them to justice. They have formed a secret society, known only as the “Hunters,” and they will stop at nothing to capture the escaped patients and restore order to the city.

The Hunters are now offering a reward for the capture of each of the psychos. People can participate in the hunt by buying NFTs that represents each psycho, and whoever captures the real one, will get the reward.

Will you join the hunt and help bring these dangerous individuals to justice? Or will you become another victim of the psychos’ madness?

The choice is yours.

