“The Fascinating World of Stars”

Peter Thomas
2 min readJust now
Photo by Phil Botha on Unsplash

Stars are a giant luminous ball of gas which is under the process of a gravitationally balanced plasma in its core. They originate from a huge and mainly gaseous formation or nebula which because of gravity pressure condenses and a densely packed central point called protostar results. As the material becomes denser and denser it starts becoming hot and once a specific temperature is achieved the nucle- fussion process begins to happen and makes the star glow.

Stars are formed, evolve and eventually undergo a certain death in a span of millions to billions of years. Their lifecycle can be broadly divided into several stages:Their lifecycle can be broadly divided into several stages:

1. Stellar Nebula: Stellar initially arise in large formations of gas and dust which are young stellar groups or associations — the star forming regions were new stars are born.
2. Protostar: Due to contraction the nebula becomes a core also known as a protostar. It occurs when the core temperature and pressure have been attained to the level that is required to begin nuclear fusion.
3. Main Sequence: In this, the longest phase of a star’s life, it builds helium from hydrogen in its core through nuclear fusion depending on the star’s mass.
4. Red Giant/Supergiant: In the case the star runs out of hydrogen, it expands, cools and takes on the appearance of a Red Giant or Supergiant star.
5. End Stages: Low-Mass Stars…

