Peddle Thorp Architects PNG Up & Coming: Rita Karaiye

Peddle Thorp Architects PNG Ltd
3 min readMar 21, 2018


Being a female in a male dominated profession can be quite daunting at times. Having little to no experience in the profession is even scarier. Yet Rita Karaiye is no stranger to being thrust in the deep end and forced to swim.

Rita is the last of 4 children and a young Architectural Graduate that has been with us at Peddle Thorp PNG since her first study break back in 2011. Her commitment and work ethic during the study break warranted her a Peddle Thorp PNG sponsorship to continue her studies of Architecture at the Papua New Guinea University of Technology. We were fortunate to have her as a full time employee by the end of 2015 with her graduation in April 2016. Rita has now been employed with us for almost three years and is currently part of the Project Quality Management Team on the National Supreme Courts Project.

An average day on the construction site for Rita was described in one word as “tough”. Her main role, is to provide support to the lead Architect. This includes conducting site inspections, tracking progress on the construction works and consulting with her site superiors on large construction issues while maintaining daily, weekly and monthly reports on the project.

The highlight of her carreer so far with us at Peddle Thorp would be her involvement with the National Supreme Courts Project. She has taken on this challenge to gain better understanding of construction methods and construction site administration. This has now prompted her to build her confidence in herself. She wishes to move on to design after this major construction project as a means of achieving her goal to become a registered architect within the next 5 years.

When pressed about who she draws inspiration from, Rita mentioned Peter Johnson and Frank Lloyd Wright for their organic style of design. She highlighted the “Falling Waters” by Wright and the Curtain Wall system by Johnson as the main architectural inspiration. Coming from the Southern Highlands of PNG, she always saw her village as the perfect location to build her own take on organic architecture and incorporating the vernicular of her region with a great fire place feature.

Initially Rita opted for a future as a Mining Engineer, yet she was selected to study Architecture. When she arrived at the Department of Architecture and Building Science she requested for a change of course because she did not enjoy drawing. The Head of the Department Dr Gonduan, told her to give it a shot and stick it out because he did not want her to regret the decision to switch courses. By the time she was in her 3rd year of studies, she began to truely appreciate Architecture as a future carreer path.

Rita draws great motivation from her superior Cheryl Parker who encourages her to be steadfast and strong willed in a male dominated industry especially on a construction site. We also hold Rita in high regard for her maturity and potential to be a future leader in the industry as well as in the country’s development.

We are ever so grateful for the young talent that have come through our office over the past years. Rita was fortunate to have been granted a Peddle Thorp Sponsorship that she secured during her part time employment with us. Join us as we continue to celebrate more of the young talent.

Until next time, stay safe and most creative

Peddle Thorp Architects PNG Ltd



Peddle Thorp Architects PNG Ltd

Local Papua New Guinea Architectural Firm servicing PNG for over 30 years