Maryland Wear and Carry Permit Renewal: Do You Need to Retake the Training Course?

4 min readJun 15, 2023


In Maryland, individuals who possess a Wear and Carry Permit have the legal authority to carry a concealed firearm for self-defense purposes. However, Wear and Carry Permits have an expiration date, and permit holders must undergo the renewal process to maintain their permit’s validity. One common question that arises during the renewal process is whether permit holders need to retake the training course. In this article, provided by PTPGun, we will explore the requirements for renewing a Maryland Wear and Carry Permit, discuss the necessity of retaking the training course, and answer frequently asked questions to help permit holders navigate the renewal process smoothly.

Requirements for Renewing a Maryland Wear and Carry Permit:

Application Process:

To renew a Maryland Wear and Carry Permit, permit holders must submit a renewal application to the Maryland State Police. The application must be submitted before the expiration date of the current permit.

Background Check:

During the renewal process, the Maryland State Police conducts a background check on the permit holder to ensure they continue to meet the eligibility requirements for possessing a Wear and Carry Permit. This includes a criminal history check and a review of any relevant mental health records.


Permit holders must undergo fingerprinting as part of the renewal process. This allows the Maryland State Police to verify the identity of the permit holder and conduct a thorough background check.

Training Course:

One of the key considerations during the renewal process is whether permit holders need to retake the training course.

Retaking the Training Course: Is it Required?

In Maryland, permit holders are not required to retake the training course when renewing their Wear and Carry Permit. However, it is important to note that the Maryland State Police strongly encourages permit holders to seek additional training and education to maintain their skills and knowledge.

Benefits of Retaking the Training Course:

Refresh Knowledge and Skills:

Retaking the training course offers permit holders the opportunity to refresh their knowledge of firearm safety, Maryland laws and regulations, and proper handling techniques. It serves as a refresher to ensure permit holders stay informed and up-to-date.

Enhance Proficiency:

Retaking the training course allows permit holders to practice and refine their shooting skills. It provides an environment where individuals can receive professional guidance and feedback, enhancing their proficiency in handling and using firearms.

Stay Abreast of Changes:

Firearm laws and regulations can evolve over time. Retaking the training course helps permit holders stay informed about any changes in Maryland’s laws, regulations, and self-defense principles. It ensures that they have the most accurate and up-to-date information.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions):

Q1. If I choose not to retake the training course, can I still renew my Wear and Carry Permit?

Yes, permit holders are not required to retake the training course for Wear and Carry Permit renewal. As long as you meet the other renewal requirements, such as the background check and fingerprinting, you can renew your permit without retaking the training course.

Q2. Can retaking the training course improve my chances of a successful renewal?

While retaking the training course is not mandatory, it demonstrates a commitment to ongoing education and skill development. It may positively impact the renewal process by showcasing your dedication to responsible gun ownership and maintaining proficiency.

Q3. Is it recommended to retake the training course even if it is not required?

Retaking the training course is highly recommended, as it provides an opportunity to reinforce safety practices, refresh knowledge, and enhance shooting skills. It demonstrates a commitment to continuous improvement and responsible gun ownership.

Q4. How often should I consider retaking the training course?

There is no set timeframe for retaking the training course in Maryland. However, it is advisable to seek additional training periodically to stay current with the latest firearm safety practices and legal requirements.

Q5. Can I take advanced or specialized training courses instead of retaking the basic training course?

Absolutely. Retaking the basic training course is not the only option for ongoing education. Permit holders can explore advanced or specialized training courses to further develop their skills and knowledge, focusing on specific areas of interest or self-defense scenarios.


In Maryland, permit holders are not required to retake the training course for Wear and Carry Permit renewal. However, it is strongly encouraged to seek additional training and education to maintain firearm safety knowledge, proficiency, and stay informed about any changes in laws and regulations. Retaking the training course offers permit holders the opportunity to refresh their knowledge, enhance their shooting skills, and showcase a commitment to responsible gun ownership. While not mandatory, retaking the training course is a valuable step towards ensuring the continued safety and competence of Wear and Carry Permit holders in Maryland.




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