Joining Twitter

Patrick Traughber
2 min readMay 2, 2016


I’m happy to share that I’ve joined the product team at Twitter! This is my second week.

I first signed up for Twitter in June 2008. Over time (and 13,886 Tweets later), it has become an essential part of my life. Through Twitter, I’ve made new friends (thanks @ mentions!), kept in touch with friends (thanks DMs!), and discovered and shared new hobbies, interests, and small ideas. It is my main source of news, where I learn about topics I care about, where I like to share photos and videos, and a place for bad jokes about the weather. Last year, this Tweet alerted me to a deal on a flight, and shortly thereafter I was on a ~$300 flight to Moscow (thanks push notifications!).

In 2008, I was invited to Twitter HQ on Bryant Street the night of the presidential election. Twitter had fewer than 30 employees at the time. Then-Senator Obama became President-elect Obama that night, and we all gathered around to watch the coverage on TV:

7 1/2 years later, Twitter now has more than 3,900 employees in more than 35 offices around the world. As the company and product has evolved, its influence has grown, too. From Arab Spring to Ferguson, sports, entertainment, diplomacy—Twitter has become an important tool for millions of people to find out what is happening around the world in real time.

Twitter HQ on its 10th birthday in March

Over the last few weeks, I’ve been incredibly impressed by everyone I’ve met here at Twitter. They are focused, creative, and committed to the mission.

I’m elated to join this team. It’s an exciting time to be here and contribute to shaping the future of the company. If you’d like to come join us, we’re hiring!



Patrick Traughber

Raised in California. Berkeley grad. Product manager at Twitter.