Are Public Health Professionals in high demand in future?

Public Health Education
4 min readJan 11, 2024


Public health is a multifaceted field that plays a crucial role in safeguarding the well-being of communities. As we look ahead, one question looms large: Are public health professionals in high demand for the future?

In this blog, we’ll explore various aspects of this inquiry, shedding light on the fields within public health, projected job growth rates, and the sectors where these professionals make a difference.

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Frequently Asked Questions

1. What are the different fields that fall under the umbrella of public health, according to the article?

Public health encompasses a broad spectrum of fields, each contributing to the overarching goal of promoting community health. Some key areas highlighted in the article include:

Behavioral and Social Sciences: Focused on studying and improving life choices and social conditions influencing health.
Biostatistics: Involves collecting and analyzing health data to uncover trends within populations.
Community Health: Aims to use public health knowledge to reach vulnerable communities, providing necessary resources and education.
Epidemiology: Concerned with monitoring and understanding the spread of diseases.
Environmental Health: Focuses on understanding and addressing environmental factors affecting people’s health.

These are just a few examples, showcasing the diversity of public health disciplines.

2. What is the projected job growth rate for health educators and community health workers from 2016 to 2026, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics?

According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, the job outlook for health educators and community health workers is promising. Projections indicate a 16% growth rate between 2016 and 2026. This rate surpasses the average growth rate for most occupations, underlining the increasing importance of these roles in our evolving healthcare landscape.

3. In which sectors can public health professionals be found working?

Public health professionals contribute their expertise across a variety of sectors, illustrating the broad impact of their work. Some key sectors include:

  1. Global Health Organizations: Addressing health threats that transcend national borders,such as WHO
  2. Government Health and Human Services Agencies: Implementing public health policies and initiatives.
  3. Hospitals and Medical Facilities: Ensuring the health and safety of patients within healthcare settings.
  4. Nonprofits Focused on Health and/or the Environment: Tackling specific health issues or environmental concerns.
  5. Universities and Academic Settings: Engaging in research, education, and training future public health professionals.

This diverse range of sectors highlights the versatility of public health professionals and their ability to address health challenges in various settings.

The Demand for Public Health Professionals

Public health professionals play a pivotal role in maintaining and improving community health. The demand for their expertise is influenced by various factors, including the evolving nature of healthcare, emerging health threats, and societal needs.

Factors Driving Demand:

1. Pandemic Preparedness: Recent global events, such as the COVID-19 pandemic, have underscored the critical role of public health professionals in pandemic preparedness and response. Governments and organizations recognize the need for a robust public health infrastructure.

2. Preventive Healthcare Emphasis: There is a growing emphasis on preventive healthcare measures, making public health professionals instrumental in promoting healthy behaviors, disease prevention, and community well-being.

3. Expanding Health Disparities Awareness: Increasing awareness of health disparities, especially related to race and economic factors, has elevated the importance of public health interventions to address these inequities.

Job Outlook and Growth:

The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics projects substantial growth in specific public health occupations. Health educators and community health workers, for instance, are anticipated to experience a 16% increase in job opportunities from 2016 to 2026. This growth rate, deemed much faster than average, indicates a robust demand for professionals in these roles.


Meeting the Demand: Education and Training

To meet the increasing demand for public health professionals, individuals aspiring to enter this field can pursue education and training in relevant areas. A Bachelor of Science in Public Health (BS in Public Health) is a comprehensive program that equips students with the knowledge and skills needed for a successful career in public health.

Walden University, an accredited institution, offers online BS in Public Health degree programs. This flexibility enables individuals to earn their degree without the need for relocation, accommodating those who may be working full time. This online format empowers students to choose class times that suit their schedules, making education accessible and adaptable.


In conclusion, the future for public health professionals appears promising, with a growing demand for their expertise across various sectors. The emphasis on preventive healthcare, pandemic preparedness, and addressing health disparities underscores the vital role these professionals play in shaping healthier communities. Aspiring individuals can seize educational opportunities, such as online BS in Public Health programs, to prepare for fulfilling careers in this dynamic and impactful field.

Public health careers offer diverse opportunities across various sectors, including government agencies, nonprofits, and academia. Estimates suggest between 303,000 and 516,000 public health workers in the U.S. (University of Michigan). The Bureau of Labor Statistics notes a continued growth in public health job opportunities. Public health encompasses fields like behavioral and social, biostatistics, community health, epidemiology, emergency management, environmental health, food safety, global health, health policy, and more. Careers range from directors and administrators to coordinators and specialists.



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