How to express gratitude to yourself

Publicity Genie
3 min readJun 19, 2019

It is often said, that we are own worst enemies. It’s said so often that it has become cliché. The trouble with cliché is that buried within it — is truth.

Even the best people can find themselves at war with their own interests; they throw themselves into charity work, community work, business, family, etc. and all to avoid acknowledging their own needs.

Soon, they find that nothing they do is ever “good enough.” How could it be? If you set yourself impossible targets and dive into everything and never spend so much as a second on self-care; you’re going to end up exhausted and miserable.

If this sounds like you, I want you to know — there is good news. You can make a dramatic change, today, here and now that will benefit you every day for the rest of your life. This change costs no money and is incredibly easy to do.

Thank Yourself For Being You

Seriously, that’s it. If you’re not feeling appreciated in your life; the best source of validation is not in other people — it’s in you. And if you begin by showing gratitude to yourself for being you; very soon, you’ll feel more peaceful, more cantered and more capable of tackling anything life throws at you.

Here are some tips on saying “thank you” to yourself:

