Why is life so boring?

2 min readJul 24, 2020


Everything becomes boring, if you have to repeat it several times.

Most of us love to watch movies.

However, if you are asked to watch the same movie 5 times in a day, it can become a great torture for you.

Even watching 5 different movies in day would be extremely boring and torturous.

We like doing things that are exciting. However, if the excitement pertains to the senses, we get bored soon since our senses get gratified and satisfied soon and thereafter, we can’t enjoy the activity anymore.

It is like feeling excited about the food, when you are hungry.

However, as soon as you had your fill, you don’t want to even look at the food.

How can we avoid boredom?

How can we not get bored even after doing the same thing again and again?

Thomas Edison is said to be the greatest inventor of the world. It is said that he failed 10,000 times before he could invent an electric bulb.

Was he bored doing the same thing 10,000 times?


Instead he said, “I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.”

He was not doing same thing 10,000 times.

He was doing 10,000 different thing each time and learning from each experiment.

You don’t get bored in life, when you are growing and learning new things in life.

