Pujitha Reddy
May 27, 2023

How to Stay Consistent?

The very important thing for staying consistent is know your Why? What is your goal? Why do you want to do it ? Know the importance of the work you do ?

Eventually when you know your why’s you will get keen interest to do your work without procrastination. One of the most important thing is scheduling your time , this helps you to get to know about progress of your work. Plan your schedule a day before which engages you to work more efficiently without wasting your time. And moreover discipline>>>Motivation to reach your goals

Benefits of being Consistent:

  1. Improved Progress in life
  2. Stress Reduction
  3. Building Habits
  4. Skill development
  5. Achievement of Goals(Long term Success)
Pujitha Reddy

I'm tech enthusiastic, passionate and pursing bachelors in CS . Here I write about everything such as learnings from life ,books, and technical stuff .