Matrix Team Overview part 3 : Tim Shi.

3 min readOct 23, 2018


Chief Mining and Chip Scientist

We are here with another article to present our readers with driving force of the Matrix AI Network project — core team members. As you might know, project’s team analysis is one of the most important subject to pay attention when performing fundamental analysis. Having knowledge about developers behind the project we are interested in, is a valuable resource to evaluate project’s credibility to deliver the project to success. It is like that, because only people behind the project can achieve the goal and roadmap targets. No one else but the core team is creating the success, therefore it is important to assess their ability to achieve it.

In this article below, I want to present you with one of the key members in the Matrix project — Tim Shi — the Chief Mining and Chip Scientist.

Tim Shi is the Chief Mining and Chip Scientist in Matrix AI Network project. He is one of the leading team members who are responsible for designing and developing the MATRIX mining machine, as well as the development of the next generation of artificial intelligence chips. Tim Shi got his Ph.D., degree in Chinese Academy of Sciences. His research area was Chip Design. Along with the Chinese Academy of Engineering, Academy of Sciences is an institution of China, functioning as the national scientific think tank and academic governing body, providing advisory and appraisal services on issues stemming from the national economy, social development, and science and technology progress. It is headquartered in Xicheng District, Beijing, with branch institutes all over mainland China. It has also created hundreds of commercial enterprises, Lenovo being one of the most famous. It is the world’s largest research organisation, comprising around 60,000 researchers working in 114 institutes, and has been consistently ranked among the top research organisations around the world. The Chinese Academy of Sciences was ranked the №1 research institute in the world by Nature Publishing Index 2017, by Nature Publishing Group.

Dr. Shi is a veteran of the semiconductor industry. He was the Principal System Architect at AMD and headed corporate and university technology partnerships for AMD in the China region. Dr. Shi previously held positions at several leading international IC companies such as Synopsys and ARM. He was also the Senior Chip Design Engineer at Samsung Semiconductor Inc, a subsidiary of Samsung Electronics, Ltd. in Korea. Interesting enough, Tim Shi gave a speech in the first Jiangsu Virtual Reality Development Conference, in 2017. As a Senior Manager of AMD VR, Computing Platform and Solutions, he spoke about the Future of Virtual Reality. Knowing that Virtual Reality industry is growing rapidly and the technology is definitely going to be the future, maybe we will see MATRIX AI Network blockchain contribution to VR field too? Worth a thought.

Senior Engineer at Samsung, Senior Consultant at Synopsis Inc., University Program Head at ARM, Principal System Architect at AMD — these positions in such big and successful organisations leave even the biggest professionals in the industry astonished. After taking a glimpse at Dr. Shi’s work experience, I don’t think that there would be many people who could question his credibility. There is no doubt that Matrix project and its mining machine development is in good hands and we will soon witness Tim Shi’s and Matrix team success in the future.

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Matrix AI Network Russian community manager, miner, crypto world enthusiast.