Proof of PUX Token Burns & Lockups

2 min readSep 16, 2019


A few days ago we issued a release outlining the updated tokenomics, included in our release were our plans regarding team, advisor and marketing tokens lockup. In addition to airdrop and strategic investor tokens and finally the token burn.

The Current PUX Smart Contract

The new smart contract has been released and everyone should have received a 1:1 token swap with the exception of the 10 million tokens initially sent to Lbank, do not the old smart contract is now void, the details of the current PUX smart contract follow:

PUX Token address: 0x5f16Fa0B5c9d779a3C8d46859a27973Ff3511188

Token Symbol: PUX

Decimals: 18

All PUX tokens in circulation will remain locked up; the lock will remain in place until PUX is listed and trading resumes; we have had many cases of P2P trades gone wrong, two community members have come to the team with proof that they have been scammed, unfortunately there’s nothing we can do but prevent it using this lock.

PUX Token Lockups & Holds

18,650,000 PUX Tokens representing the team allocation have been locked up; 0x8deeBc75F95F88f8f1206C3a5969Ec61C5b4EC0f

3,000,000 PUX Tokens held for advisors and partners have been locked up;


450,000 PUX Tokens committed for marketing have been locked up;


2,500,000 PUX Tokens are being held pending distribution to airdrop partcipants, tokens are held here;


10,000,000 PUX Tokens have been locked up and reserved for strategic partners and investors; 0x3FBF6b2e3EDeDA41947A8293798bfB249FCbA238

Token Burns

175,199,990 PUX tokens have been permanently removed from circulation via a token burn; 0xa7118b3792da905e56ddddeca370b8191d70bd2c184ee52015b9f025f56e613e


This information can be verified using the smart contract address/TXID on Go Chain’s block explorer accessible via

