Professional Cuddle Buddies

Faye Doney
3 min readDec 1, 2018


Not sure if you were completely aware of this or not, but yes, professional cuddle buddies are a real thing.

Are you getting enough touch in your life? For an increasing percentage of the American population, the answer is a unfortunate “No.” About 50% of us live alone, we commute alone, we work in cubicles, and we don’t know how to initiate non-sexual touch. As a result, we feel increasingly alone, glum, and isolated. In other cases there are even people in long term relationships who feel invisible and unloved because they are starving to receive physical affection.

Many feel uncomfortable expressing their desire for touch to family or friends, or they may even confuse their skin hunger for sexual desire. Others find it difficult to access and enjoy touch as a result of trauma, physical pain, body changes due to pregnancy or surgery, or other barriers. Heck, #metoo has lead to the confusion of, “Is it okay to make any physical contact at all, with anybody, ever?”

I started back in February of 2017 as a professional cuddle buddy, and I have to say, it has been one of the most rewarding and emotionally fulfilling jobs I have ever had. So often we are starved of physical contact and it leaves such an impact on our physical and mental health. I urge you to do additional research into this area, it’s quite fascinating really.

When it comes to a session, I usually light some cinnamon candles, play some relaxing music and I even give back rubs. I am peoples’ therapist, friend, comic relief, and/or inspiration. Sessions allow the practice of identifying and asking for needs, expressing and respecting boundaries, and working with active consent. It has been so amazing to leave a session with a client and visibly see how much better they are emotionally, and I can just tell that I have added true value to their lives.

I have many amazing and outrageous stories from my life and I also happen to be a great listener. I want to help everyone have a wonderful experience full of warmth, laughter, and relaxation.

The sad thing is the stigma attached to this kind of service. I can’t tell you how many people out there think it’s some kind of fake front for prostitution. It’s platonic: intimate and affectionate but not sexual. I will admit, I have received unwanted advances and requests for more… despite all the precautions taken before meeting with the clients, and I know I am not alone. In addition, I have been demonized by others simply for where their imaginations go when they hear “cuddle”. I am hoping by writing a blog about it, that maybe we can change this misconception and unveil the true nature of this beautiful experience.

I believe the world would be a significantly better place with more people using a service like this. Seriously, the benefits are enormous.

If you are interested in booking with a cuddle buddy near you or even becoming a professional yourself, I suggest you check out this website:

Eventually, I would love to help facilitate cuddle puddles around the US while I am on a 2+ year tour around our country. Who knows, it could happen, I’ve done a few already.

