Common Myths About Sunscreen

3 min readApr 3, 2023


Picture this: you’re lounging on the beach, sipping on your favorite drink, and feeling the warm sun on your skin. Suddenly, your friend rushes over to you and hands you a bottle of sunscreen. “Here, put this on before you turn into a lobster!” they say.

You take the sunscreen and start applying it, but your friend stops you. “Wait, don’t put too much on. You don’t want to block out all the vitamin D from the sun.”

Wait a minute, what? Is your friend right or is this just another sunscreen myth? It’s time to debunk some common sunscreen myths that are still circulating out there and get the facts straight.

  1. Sunscreen is not always necessary. Sorry to burst your bubble, but UV rays can still penetrate through the clouds and harm your skin, even on overcast days. So, unless you plan on living in a cave, you might want to consider slathering on some SPF.
  2. Sunscreen will prevent the body from absorbing vitamin D. Sunscreen blocks UV rays, but sunlight can still penetrate clothing, and just 5 to 30 minutes of sun exposure can produce enough vitamin D.
  3. Now, some people believe that sunscreen causes health problems. But let’s be real here, folks: the only thing worse than a sunburn is the possibility of developing skin cancer. And while there was a study done on rats that showed negative side effects of a sunscreen ingredient, the exposure levels were insanely high and unattainable in humans. So, rest assured, slather on that sunscreen without fear.
  4. And for all you dark-skinned folks out there, listen up! Just because you have more melanin doesn’t mean you’re invincible to sun damage. UVA rays can still cause premature aging and skin cancer, so make sure to use a full spectrum sunscreen, even if you think you don’t need it.
  5. You cannot tan while wearing sunscreen. Sunscreen is indeed helpful in shielding the skin from both UVA and UVB rays. But, and here’s the catch, it’s not a foolproof solution. You can slather on SPF 100+ from head to toe, but it still won’t provide 100% protection.
  6. Don’t be fooled into thinking that all sunscreens are the same. They may all serve a similar purpose, but their ingredients can differ significantly, and some may offer better protection against UV rays than others.Active ingredients like titanium dioxide, zinc oxide, and ecamsule work their magic by filtering out those pesky UVA and UVB rays. Chemical blockers like avobenzone may also be used, but they go about blocking the sun’s rays differently. It’s crucial to use a full spectrum sunscreen that offers protection against a wide range of UV light.Plus, don’t forget the SPF rating. The FDA recommends using a sunscreen with an SPF of 15 or higher regularly, even on cloudy days. Here is my link to the article on best sunscreen suitable for Indian skin.

7. One-Time Application? Nice Try! Do you believe that sunscreen will protect you all day after a single application? Think again, my friend. Sunscreen breaks down in the light and loses its effectiveness within a few hours, meaning you’ll need to reapply it every 2 to 4 hours to stay protected.

8. Water-Resistant Sunscreen: It’s Not Magic! Water-resistant or sweat-resistant sunscreen may seem like a magic bullet, but it’s not. Sorry to break it to you, but no sunscreen product can be 100% waterproof. You’ll need to reapply water-resistant sunscreens after water exposure, and it’s best to let the sunscreen settle on your skin for at least 10 to 15 minutes before jumping in.

9. Sunscreen Does Expire, So Don’t Be Fooled! It has an expiration date, just like your leftovers in the fridge. The active ingredients can break down over time, leaving your skin unprotected. So, don’t be a skin-safety slacker and check the expiration date before slathering it on.





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