Pulsara’s $SARA Token Airdrop For Coreum Holders: Comprehensive Guide

6 min readDec 14, 2023

Pulsara is proud to announce the $SARA token airdrop, a milestone event in the evolution of the Pulsara ecosystem. This initiative is planned to enhance community engagement, increase liquidity within the ecosystem, and reward the unwavering dedication of the community members within the brand-new PulsaraDAX.

The airdrop aims to increase the COREUM community engagement, encouraging contributions to liquidity pools on PulsaraDAX and facilitating participation in yield-generating activities through the Automated Market Maker (AMM) model.

What is PULSARA?

Pulsara is an advanced ecosystem developed on top of the Coreum Blockchain.

The Pulsara Ecosystem comprises multiple products designed to optimize the utilization of the Coreum Blockchain. Embracing the latest technological advancements, Pulsara aims to deliver an unparalleled blockchain experience.

The Pulsara Ecosystem is built on a robust blockchain infrastructure, supported by a community-driven governance model. It facilitates seamless peer-to-peer transactions, smart contract executions, and a wide range of decentralized applications (dApps).

The Pulsara Ecosystem has been developed by independent teams at Logicka Labs Inc and has been incubated by CoreNest Capital.

What is $SARA?

The $SARA Token is a transformative solution in the blockchain space. It leverages cutting-edge technology and innovative consensus mechanisms to address the inefficiencies of traditional financial systems. $SARA is set to establish a decentralized, secure, and efficient platform for global transactions.

The token is central to this ecosystem, facilitating various operations and extending its utility beyond mere transactions. It empowers users to engage in governance, participate in stakeholder voting, liquidity management and benefit from incentivization mechanisms, thus fostering active community involvement.

Why participate in an Airdrop?

The $SARA token airdrop is more than just a distribution of tokens; it aims to support and develop a diverse and active community. It involves different groups within the community, ranging from those holding large amounts of tokens to those with smaller holdings, and focuses on increasing USDC liquidity on the Pulsara Ecosystem. The purpose of this airdrop is to encourage community involvement, improve the liquidity pools and ignite community involvement within the Pulsara Ecosystem.

What’s the Airdrop Structure?

  • Total Supply for Airdrop: 400 million $SARA tokens.
  • Distribution Mechanism: The airdrop will be conducted through four snapshots and corresponding distribution phases.
  • Chain: Coreum Mainnet
  • Exclusion: Centralized Exchanges, Coreum IOUs held on the XRPL, and Coreum Foundation’s Wallets.

Who Can Participate?

Wallets Holding Above 10K $COREUM:

  • To reward higher holders in the ecosystem who will stake in the pools on Pulsara and increase the liquidity there.

Wallets Holding Below 10K $COREUM:

  • To enable all Coreum holders to participate in governance.

Noble USDC Transfers to Coreum Chain:

  • To enhance USDC liquidity on the Coreum chain, essential for upcoming USDC-paired markets on Pulsara.

Airdrop Pools and Tiers

Blockchain data analysis reveals a trend where some airdrop participants, especially those with smaller holdings (Airdrop Hunters), tend to liquidate their assets soon after receiving them. This action can adversely affect the ecosystem’s long-term objectives and stability. To counteract this and support a dedicated community, a three-tiered system has been established. This approach prioritizes airdrops for individuals genuinely engaged with the ecosystem — true holders and proactive supporters.

The primary goal of this airdrop strategy is to incentivize active contribution to the DAX pools within the Pulsara Ecosystem. Participation in these activities aligns with eligibility for rewards through Automated Market Maker (AMM) protocols. The specifics of the tiered structure are as follows:

How to Participate?

To participate in the airdrop, simply store your $COREUM and/or $USDC tokens in private wallets on the Coreum mainnet for each snapshot. It’s important to mention that holding COREUM and/or USDC tokens on the XRPL or in centralized exchanges disqualifies you from this airdrop, as snapshots will only recognize holdings on the Coreum mainnet, excluding all wallets on centralized exchanges.

What’s the Date and Time for Each Snapshot?

Each snapshot follows a structured approach, distributing a total of 100 million $SARA in each Snapshot across different tiers with the total of 400 million in total.

Snapshot 1:

  • Date/Time: 19th January 2024, 19:00 UTC
  • Chain: Coreum mainnet
  • Distribution Date: 24th January 2024
  • Pool Size: 100 million $SARA (95 million for above 10K $COREUM, 2.5 million for below 10K, 2.5 million for USDC holders)

Snapshot 2:

  • Date/Time: 18th April 2024, 19:00 UTC
  • Chain: Coreum mainnet
  • Distribution Date: 25th April 2024
  • Pool Size: 100 million $SARA (95 million for above 10K $COREUM, 2.5 million for below 10K, 2.5 million for USDC holders)
  • Eligibility Criteria: Wallets from Snapshot 1 will be reassessed in the following way: Wallets with a decrease of more than 10% in either $SARA or $COREUM tokens (compared to Snapshot 1 and Distribution 1 respectively) will be excluded.

Snapshot 3:

  • Date/Time: 17th July 2024, 19:00 UTC
  • Chain: Coreum mainnet
  • Distribution Date: 24th July 2024
  • Pool Size: 100 million $SARA (95 million for above 10K $COREUM, 2.5 million for below 10K, 2.5 million for USDC holders)
  • Eligibility Criteria: Wallets from Snapshot 2 will be reassessed in the following way: Wallets with a decrease of more than 10% in either $SARA or $COREUM tokens (compared to Snapshot 2 and Distribution 2 respectively) will be excluded.

Snapshot 4:

  • Date/Time: 15th October 2024, 19:00 UTC
  • Distribution Date: 22nd October 2024
  • Pool Size: 100 million $SARA (95 million for above 10K $COREUM, 2.5 million for below 10K, 2.5 million for USDC holders)
  • Eligibility Criteria: Wallets from Snapshot 3 will be reassessed in the following way: Wallets with a decrease of more than 10% in either $SARA or $COREUM tokens (compared to Snapshot 3 and Distribution 3 respectively) will be excluded.

IMPORTANT: Maintain Active Participation for All Snapshots

For Snapshots 2, 3, and 4 of Pulsara’s airdrop, there’s a crucial reassessment process. Each snapshot will re-evaluate wallets from the previous snapshot. Wallets showing a decrease of more than 10% in $SARA or $COREUM holdings compared to the previous snapshot and distribution will be excluded from the current and future snapshots. This policy aims to reward only dedicated community members, thereby encouraging active contributions to PulsaraDAX’s liquidity pools, ultimately enhancing liquidity and yield generation.

Examples for One of the Airdrops:

High-Value Holder Example (Above 10K $COREUM):

  • Scenario: A wallet holds 12,000 $COREUM in one snapshot.
  • Assumption: Total $COREUM held by eligible participants in this category is 100 million.
  • Calculation for One Snapshot: Airdrop 1 Ratio = 12,000 $COREUM * (95 million $SARA / 100 million $COREUM) = 11,400 $SARA

Moderate Holder Example (Below 10K $COREUM):

  • Scenario: A wallet holds 3,000 $COREUM in one snapshot.
  • Assumption: Total $COREUM held by eligible participants in this category is 10 million.
  • Calculation for One Snapshot: Airdrop 1 Ratio = 3,000 $COREUM * (2.5 million $SARA / 10 million $COREUM) = 750 $SARA.

USDC Transfer Participant Example:

  • Scenario: A participant transfers and holds $20,000 USDC to Coreum in one snapshot.
  • Assumption: Total $USDC held by eligible participants in this category is 5 million.
  • Calculation for One Snapshot: Airdrop 1 Ratio = $20,000 * (2.5 million $SARA / $5 million) = 10,000 $SARA.

Am I eligible for the airdrop if I have already delegated my Coreum tokens to a validator?

Yes, if you have already staked your Coreum tokens with a validator within the Coreum consensus, you are eligible for the airdrop. No Action is required from your side! Token holders participating in the staking process are automatically included in the airdrop distribution.

What’s Next for Pulsara?

Pulsara is on a mission to become the quintessential protocol for everything Coreum. The Pulsara team is committed to continuous innovation and development of new products on the Coreum blockchain. This relentless pursuit is focused on increasing interactions within the chain and enhancing the ecosystem’s vibrancy.

Furthermore, strategic efforts are underway to list $SARA tokens on global exchanges, significantly expanding reach and adoption. This move promises to catapult Pulsara into a new era of growth and influence, solidifying its position as a cornerstone in the Coreum universe.

Got a question?

Reach out to us at support@pulsara.io

About Pulsara

Pulsara is a Decentralized ecosystem built on top of the Coreum Blockchain. Our objective is to provide users with a seamless experience when making use of all the features of this Cosmos-based chain.

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Pulsara is an advanced ecosystem developed on top of the Coreum Blockchain