Connection between Artificial Intelligence, Data Science, Machine Learning and Deep Learning

Pooja Umathe
3 min readMay 18, 2020

Are you wondering about the relation between Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Deep Learning and Data Science?

So, this article will clarify all your doubts.

The above figure is self-explanatory but as we can see from the above figure, deep learning is a subset of machine learning, machine learning is a subset of AI, and data science is not a subset of machine learning but it uses ML to analyze data and make predictions about the future. Data Science is a practical application of ML with a complete focus on real world problems.

Let’s dive into more detail….

Artificial Intelligence:

Let’s start with the term artificial, the term artificial can be anything that is made by human, things that are not natural. What do you understand by intelligence, the term intelligence is the ability to think and learn. So, after combining these terms we get Artificial Intelligence. Artificial Intelligence is a broad area of Computer Science that makes machine seem like they have human intelligence. AI is a term with the applications ranging from robotics to natural language processing and text analysis.

The goal of AI is to imitate the human brain and create systems that can perform and process tasks intelligently and independently. With that being said, in the near future AI is expected to become little less artificial and lot more intelligent. Applications of AI include but are not limited to visual perception, speech recognition, decision-making, and translation between languages.

Data Science:

Data science is an inter-disciplinary field that uses scientific methods, processes, algorithms and systems to extract knowledge and insights from many structured and unstructured data. Companies are using data science to build recommendation engines, and predicting user behavior, and much more.

In other words, data science is the extraction of relevant insights from data which uses various techniques from many fields like mathematics, machine learning, computer programming, statistical modeling, data engineering and visualization, pattern recognition and learning, uncertainty modeling, data warehousing, and cloud computing.

At the core, Data Science uncovers and surfaces hidden findings from data and explores data at a granular level to mine and understand complex behavior, trends, and inferences. And enables to make smarter business decisions and impact at scale.

Machine Learning:

As we know humans learn from the past experiences and machine follow instructions given by humans. So, in machine learning humans train the machines to learn from the past data and perform tasks which helps to predict the future. It is a technique to achieve AI through algorithms trained with data.

Machine learning is an ability of a computer system to learn from the environment and improve itself from experience without the need for any explicit programming. Some of the applications of machine learning are Fraud and Risk Detection, Healthcare, Internet Search, Website recommendations, Image Recognition, Speech Recognition, etc.

Deep Learning:

Have you ever wondered how google translates an entire webpage to a different language in a matter of seconds or your phone gallery groups images based on their location, all of this are applications of deep learning.

Deep learning is a subset of machine learning which in turn is a subset of artificial intelligence. It is a type of machine learning inspired by the structure of human brain. In terms of deep learning this structure is called an artificial neural network. Deep learning is the most efficient way to deal with unstructured data.

Applications of deep learning are customer support when most people communicate with customer support agents the conversation seems so real, we do not realize it’s actually a bot on the other side. In medical care it detects cancer cells and analyze MRI images to give detailed results.

If you want to learn more about machine learning please check out my previous article for better understanding.

Thank you for reading and for more learning stay tuned!!

Pooja Umathe

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