The Future of Work

Pumba Communication Cell
3 min readNov 22, 2017


Electric cars are the next big thing in automobile sector and Tesla the leading producer of electric cars claims of having least number of moving parts in their vehicles. So the question arises what will happen to the jobs of those people who are working on these ‘moving parts’. And the only answer possible is, they’ll get wiped out. So are we ready for this change?

The light on this topic was shed by Mr.Lalit Jagtiani, business transformation specialist, thought leader in digital strategy at SAP and also the author of the book “When Change Happens…”. He was accompanied by his wife Mrs. Minal Jagtiani, in an event organized by Seminar cell, Placement cell and Communication cell of DMS, SPPU on the 18th of November 2017.

The focus of entire session was mainly on 3 key trends of digital transformation i) Implications on work force ii) Industry view and iii) Shift in traditional method. To get better understanding of how ‘the work’ will be changing in near future the knowledge of how it functions today should be known and thus to make students get into that groove an exercise was conducted “The Elephant Exercise”. In this exercise teams were formed with 10 students in each team and were given a simple resource “business model canvas” and were asked to make business model of their virtual startup. Time period of 15 minutes was given to brainstorm and to come up with a good idea. Students were found enthusiastically responding to it. Later, each team came forward and pitched their model. Audience was divided among investors and customers. It was quite a learning experience for students as they were forced to think out of the box in order to make their business model more attractive since they had to attract investors and customers from audience.

Just when the iron rod was hot Mr. Jagtiani came up with the hammer of ‘Digital Transformation’. He went onto explain how ‘Change is the law of Nature, and how ‘Today’s success can be proved out to be tomorrow’s enemy’. Explaining it in more details by giving examples of Kodak, Nokia and how the $5 chip used by the New Zealand based dairy products company ‘Fonterra’ saved them multimillion dollars and how the work done by that ‘chip’ was much more effective than previously done manual work. He justified his thoughts by showing various videos about how work force in future will look like after ‘the Digitalization’.

He concluded the session by guiding the students about the approach that should be followed to get past the heat of digital transformation & how to become an integral part of the future work. The session ended with the ‘Question and Answer’ session held between students and Mr. Jagtiani which itself paved the way for lots of new concepts and knowledge to get to the surface.

A Report by

Anushka Mishra (F.Y MBA PBT)

Siddharth Amrutkar (F.Y MBA)

