What Feng Shui Symbols symbolize?

Punam Khokhar
7 min readOct 11, 2017


The science of Feng Shui uses many symbols to bring harmony and peace in to the lives of people. Many famous Feng Shui symbols are used worldwide to correct flow of energy that is required in various aspects of life. Let us look at some basic Feng Shui symbols that can bring about huge changes in the lives of human beings.


Nature plays a crucial role in Feng Shui. Flowers being the bright part of nature are considered to bring in innumerable blessings in the space they adorn. Flowers are believed to possess positive energy that has high healing qualities. These qualities enhance the Chi in spaces they are kept in. Feng Shui prefers fresh real flowers to have more impact on the environment than the artificial ones. Feng Shui recommends exquisite pictures and photos of colorful flowers to make the environment jubilant and active. Some such flowers that spread Chi in the environment according to Feng Shui are Chrysanthemum, Orchid, Lotus and Peony.


Fruits help in attaining longevity of life, fertility, prosperity and wealth. Every fruit symbolizes specific thing and this symbolization plays a crucial role in strengthening different aspects of life. For example, peach symbolizes immortality, Pomegranate symbolizes happiness, Grapes symbolizes success, Apple symbolizes good health, Pineapple symbolizes fortune, prosperity and wealth and Oranges are said to be warding off evils and bad luck.


Birds like Doves, Cranes, Peacocks and Ducks are considered to be symbolizing different things in life. Bird symbols are used in Feng Shui as a cure for many problems faced in life by humans. Depending on the exact cure to be offered, specific bird symbols are used in Feng Shui system. The general purposes served by bird symbols are desire to unite with the divine, freedom and inspiration.


Butterfly is one of the often used symbols in Feng Shui. They are mainly used to cure romance and love related issues in people. Butterfly symbols are used to enhance the quality of romance and love in people who are in relationships. Butterfly symbols are used for creating the transformational feeling in humans. They help in choosing one among the many suitors providing the feeling of freedom.


Horses and their images are attached to speed, success, freedom and fame in Feng Shui. It is related to the Bagua in the Southern direction and career success in the northern direction. General people who want to bring in name and fame into their business and portfolio have the picture of a single horse or a group of horses.


Feng Shui uses Fishes and aquariums which are expected to attract wealth in an abundant manner. It recommends having an aquarium in specific points at home as well as in office areas. Aquariums with different kinds of fishes is said to bring in good luck making the environment a harmonious one. The combination of fishes recommended to attract huge waves of harmony is multiple color fishes which includes at least one black fish and Koi fish (Gold fish)


Tortoise is considered as one of the special animals in Feng Shui. Black Tortoise in particular is said to be protecting the North direction, while Green Dragon protects the East direction, Red Phoenix protects the South direction and White Tiger protects the West direction. These four animals are said to be safeguarding the Feng Shui energy created in the environment in all the directions. Tortoise thus is considered as symbol of protection in Feng Shui.


Bat is an animal that is considered auspicious in Feng Shui. Bats symbolize prosperity and goof fortune. Bats when used in specific manner to suit individual needs, is said to bring in wealth in abundance. Bat pictures and photos are placed in an appropriate manner to attract money at home and office spaces.

Mystic Knots

Mystic Knots which are made with the logic as six times the infinity symbol, symbolizes lifelong happiness. Mystic Knots are used to attract happiness and longevity in life. Also know as endless knot, Mystic Knots symbolizes endless good fortune in life. It is considered as one of 8 magical objects that safeguard human life from various evil forces.

Fu Dogs

Fu Dogs symbolizes safety and security. They were the imperial guardian lions which were used in front of the Imperial gates of palaces in ancient days. Fu Dogs symbolizes status in the society and family welfare in a holistic manner. Fu Dogs are generally used as pair since as per Feng Shui they bring in more luck when used as a pair

Chi Lin

Chi Lin is more popularly known as Chinese Unicorn or Dragon Horse around the world. While the body of Chi Lin is covered with the scales of a carp fish it looks more like one of a horse. It has the head of a dragon. Chi Lin symbolizes strength and protection. It blesses people with prosperity and good health. Having Chi Lin that displays high levels of loyalty protects houses from bad spirits and evil forces.


Dragon being one among the 4 celestial animals is considered as one of the important symbols in Feng Shui. The dragon symbolizes prosperity, protection and security. The luck of Dragon works out the best when it is kept on the eastern side at home or at office. Dragons made of wood are considered to be emitting the maximum Chi while Dragons made of ceramic takes the second place.


Feng Shui makes use of the Bamboo symbol to enhance nourishment and protection to people who require the same. Bamboo is believed to bring in luck to the households. It nourishes the various aspects of life like relationships, health and wealth. Bamboo can be had in any form natural or as a picture. It can be had outdoors as a full tree or as a Bonsai inside the households and office spaces. Bamboo can be hung from the roof in the form of wind chimes also since there are no specific restrictions laid in the usage of the same.

The Double 8

The Double 8 is one of the important symbols in Feng Shui. This is more so since 8 is actually considered as a lucky number as per the age old Chinese tradition and belief system. Double 8 symbolizes doubling of prosperity, luck, wealth and happiness. Pronouncing 8 in Chinese is said to make life abundant in every aspect. Double 8 brings good luck to professional relationships. It brings in positive new relationships and fosters the existing ones.

The Laughing Buddha

Laughing Buddha is one of the world famous symbols of Feng Shui. In fact it is highly famous than any other Buddha symbols used in different parts of the world. Laughing Buddha symbolizes peace and happiness in life. It is said to bring in prosperity and wealth to people who have the same in their house. Laughing Buddha can be kept both at homes and office spaces. When used in offices spaces, placing Laughing Buddha in the diagonally opposite direction to the main door brings in luck than any other direction.

Chinese Coins

Chinese Coins come with inscriptions on them written in the Chinese language. They are usually tied together with the red strings whose knots are also considered as Feng Shui symbols. Chinese Coins can be used in homes and offices as wall hangings. They can also be used as key chains and coin chimes which is said to be creating positive vibes in the environment. Chinese Coins are recommended by Feng Shui to enable steady flow of money and wealth accumulation. They bring with them prosperity and good luck to people.

The Pagoda Tower

The Pagoda Tower symbolizes high intellectual levels in people. Among the many Feng Shui symbols, Pagoda Tower is the one that specifically focuses in enhancing the human mind. It enhances the knowledge of people enhancing their intellect in a huge manner. Pagoda Tower helps in memory retention thus contributing to the education of people. The Pagoda Tower symbol can be had in schools, homes and office spaces since they help in learning new things and acquiring fresh knowledge at all points of time.

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Punam Khokhar

Feng Shui Practitioner | Teacher | Author | Motto: Create Light for others to light your own path