Canada Visitor Visa-how to improve your application

Punam Y
3 min readApr 25, 2018


With Canada merging as one of the best countries for tourism and living quality, many people are applying for visitor visas to experience what life is like in Canada. Since there are so many travel visa applications received every day, here are some useful tips and secrets to improve your application.

Some Facts about Canadian visitor visas

One big thing an immigration officer is looking into is the fact that, will the applicant will go back to his native country once he is done with the visit? This will be a main concern especially if the applicant is from underdeveloped countries as people from those countries don’t go back.

How to improve your Canada visitor visa application?

So how can you improve your Canadian visa application? The main objective is to convince the officer you are a legitimate traveller. There are several factors which can help you succeed in getting a successful application. The first factor would be to show that you have a credible and strong establishment in your country.

This includes your job position and stability, marital status, assets under your ownership, family and children and any other factors that require you to return to your home country. If you show all these ques, you will have a better chance of convincing the officer.

The second factor would be the clarification of the reason for your visit. You have to clearly specify why you’re visiting the country. Whether it is a business trip, a family celebration or just leisure you have to make it clear. You can further validate your reason by including your invitation letter, accommodation arrangement and travel tickets within the country to make your application a bit more legitimate. Always try to include as many documents as possible

The third factor would be your financial arrangement for the whole trip. You have to provide proof of sufficient money present in your account to fund the actual trip. If you have a sponsor taking care of your finances, his details have to be submitted when the application is to be filed Your application is likely to be rejected if you don’t have the sufficient resources.

If you are planning to migrate to Canada after your travels, then contact an immigration specialist even before applying for a visitor visa. They always have the required know how to get approvals in quick time and will help you out with any questions you might have.

Are you planning to apply for a Canadian visitor visa?

While you might interpret the Canada travel visa to be uncomplicated, hiring a professional immigration specialist to process your application will be crucial. Since so many people apply for visitor visas, the ones which are not properly prepared are the first ones to get rejected. Your best option would be to hire a professional. At Kansas, we have helped thousands of people get their visitor visas. If you don’t know the specifics of making a visa application which will be approved in less time as possible. Leave it to us. This is what we do.

Best Canada Visa Consultants

At Kansas, we offer immigration services to Canada and help working professionals to get permanent residency. Our top immigration experts will be there to guide you every step of the way. We also help professionals find jobs and provide accommodation facilities if you need it. With Kansas overseas careers immigration to Canada will be a lot easier.Get in touch with us to get your free eligibility assessment or call @ 08030010515to discuss the requirements needed and the options you have

