Why Eco-Nationalism will win

4 min readAug 30, 2018

Eco-Nationalism Is not a new ideology, but in todays consumer based world it is most certainly revolutionary. But how could such a niche ideology ever hope to compete with the soulless monolith that is neoliberalism? How can a small group of men and women who believe in the preservation of nature, and by extent nation, expect to best the most powerful and far reaching political force ever to curse this planet? Its simple really, Eco-Nationalism will win because Eco-Nationalism MUST win. It is a battle, but it is more so an eventuality. Why must it win? We have a unique and powerful ally. An ally which is also mortal enemy to all that is modern, all that is now. Our ally has brought down the greatest achievements of man time and time again, and it is fighting on our side as you read this. Our ally is the most powerful natural force in the universe, a force that can never be beaten. Our ally is entropy.

Entropy, in short, is the tendency of things to return to their most natural state. Its seen on the smallest scale in nature with radiological decay, unstable elements decomposing into their most stable forms. But entropy is much more than that egghead bullshit. It acts on the constructs of modern society in all facets. Anything and everything which is artificial is being attacked by entropy as we speak. Roads are crumbling, rebar is rusting within reinforced concrete, causing it to crack, precious Malibu cliffside estates are slowly sliding into the sea, and this is all helping us.

The crumbling of woke industry is all well and good, but entropy certainly does not stop at public works and horrendous modern structures. Its chaotic force acts to subvert and dissolve artificial political and social systems as well. The hubris of modern neoliberalism is apparent to anyone with half a brain. Its staunch “egalitarianism” stands firmly opposed to natural hierarchy, to the order of nature. These politicians and social engineers believe themselves above nature. They reject her structure, they poison her character, they destroy her beauty, all to get ahead in a fundamentally flawed economic system. This is not freedom. This is not liberty. A global favela is not equality. And thanks to entropy, this cannot last.

Understand, however, that this is not a quick process. Just as the monuments to greed and gluttony we have erected will take thousands of years to crumble, so to will the systems that made them possible. But it’s clear that were already seeing the cracks form. People are beginning to realize, on both sides of the spectrum, that these political systems are merely serving their own interests. The Trump age has ushered in an era of political instability in the United States not seen since before the civil war. Protests turn into violent clashes, families and friendships torn apart by a differences in opinion, and bluechecks with hundreds of thousands of followers calling for revolution. While these may be somewhat isolated events for the time being, they still serve our cause. Like entropy, we succeed wherever instability rears its head. Entropy is a powerful force, but a slow acting one. We can’t expect it to do all the work

To that end It is important to remember that our message is a popular one. We stand on the shoulders of many great naturalists before us, advocating for the protection of the vast undeveloped lands still left in the United States. Most Americans still share a strong bond with this land, an innate sense of longing and responsibility to the wilds. Environmental issues are gaining traction in the public sphere as the true severity of industrial societies impact on our world becomes more apparent. People are growing tired of being subservient to the cogs of the new corporate machine. The population grows weary of being treated as units of production and a possible consumers. They seek something more, something which we can provide. To make people Human again.

So where do we go from here? I’m of the mindset that the most valuable course of action is to “collapse now and avoid the rush.” As always, live life as naturally as possible. Make a point to try to learn a new and useful skill each month. Psychical preps can be stolen, lost, or damaged, but what’s In your mind will always be available to you. Get outdoors as often as possible, encourage your friends to do the same. Don’t frontload them with a bunch of political nonsense, just allow them to experience nature as you have. Keep yourself healthy in all facets, psychically, mentally, and spiritually. Become self-reliant, encourage others close to you to do the same. Reject what this world wants to make you.

