5 Types Of Articles Every Freelance Writer Needs In Their Portfolio

Punk Freelance
9 min readJan 17, 2024

As a creative professional your portfolio is even more important than your resume. Your resume is just your biographical facts. Your portfolio shows potential clients that you can write the content they need. But, to convince clients that you know what you’re doing your portfolio needs to be more than just some random examples of writing.

Photo from Pexels.com

Not A Typical Portfolio

When people think about putting together a portfolio they usually think about creating a type of scrapbook of things they’ve written before, similar to something a parent would create of a child’s school projects. That’s not a professional creative portfolio.

Photo from Pexels.com

A portfolio like that may work for a visual creative professional like a graphic designer but it’s not going to work for a writer. Potential clients do not care about a poem you wrote in college or something you wrote for a class five years ago or a letter to the editor you’re particularly proud of.

The “Work For Hire” Problem

Professional writers who write content for a living need to have a focused portfolio to…



Punk Freelance

I've been a freelance content writer for almost 20 years. I share what I've learned to help real people make real money on their own terms.