Creativity-Boosting Strategies That Will Keep Your Writing From Getting Stale

Punk Freelance
6 min readApr 16, 2024

When you write content on demand for a living there will be times when it’s a real challenge to keep your writing fresh. There have been many times in my career where I’ve had to write a series of articles on basically the same topic, with just minute variations.

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But the content had to be original, exciting for readers, and different enough from other versions to rank high in search engine rankings.

That can be difficult even if you’re writing about something that you’re interested in. When you’re writing about something you’re not interested in, like gutter leaning or power washing, it can be excruciating.

Those repetitive jobs that seem to be the most creatively unfulfilling typically pay really well though. And there are always jobs available in those niches.

If you want to learn how to write about any topic without your content becoming boring, blah, and stale these strategies should help. They have helped me throughout my nearly 20-year career as a freelance writer:

Look For Inspiration Offline

Sometimes the best way to freshen up your online content is to go offline. Look for different sources of inspiration for your writing. Instead of doing yet another Google…



Punk Freelance

I've been a freelance content writer for almost 20 years. I share what I've learned to help real people make real money on their own terms.