Dad Libs Just in Time For Father’s Day 😎

Published in
2 min readJun 8, 2017

The clock’s ticking on Father’s Day. Surprise your dad with a card and maybe a little confetti. That’s sure to make you the favorite child. And what’s stopping you from doing it right now? If you just thought to yourself, “I don’t know what to say,” we got you. Use the template below to craft a personal message that will pull at Dear Old Dad’s heart strings. You can come up with a few words, right? Then you’re golden.

Go, go, go. You don’t want to miss Father’s Day. It’s only 10 days away!

All you have to do is open the Punkpost app, pick a card, chose a recipient and then copy and paste the following into the message section. Then, swap the prompts for your own special words. You got this.

Dear (Dad’s name or nickname),

You’re the most (adjective) Dad in the whole (place). Thank you for teaching me how to (skills or activity). Have a (adjective) Father’s Day and enjoy a (Dad’s favorite treat) to celebrate your day!


Your (relation to recipient)
(your name)

Send Your Father’s Day Card Now

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Send beautifully handwritten cards as quick as texting. 💌🎉