How to Keep Kids Happy at Camp 🌲🌲

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5 min readJul 19, 2017

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Summer camp is full of new adventures, for both kids and adults. The little ones are off learning about science, practicing their favorite sport and splashing in the cool lake water. For the adults, you’re letting the kids go explore on their own and perhaps enjoying a quiet house. All of those things are great, but it’s also a change of pace from the typical school year. And let’s be honest, you’re going to miss one another. Thankfully, snail mail can help bridge that gap. Make your kid (or niece, nephew, grandkid or friend) a happy camper this summer by surprising them with a card from home.

Here are some of our favorite card from summer camp season. Let these be a map for how to craft your own message.

Tell them a funny story. Anyone who’s been to camp has a least one funny story to tell. Maybe you left a sandwich in your bag all week? Or flipped over your canoe in the middle of the lake? Or pulled a prank on your counselor? Whatever you did as a kid, tell your story and give your camper a laugh in the middle of their day.

Ask lots of questions. Keep your camper engaged in camp by asking them lots of questions about what’s going on around them. “Do they like their bunk mates? How’s the food? What’s the coolest thing you learned today?” They will either be able to answer them all when they get home or perhaps in a card sent from camp.

Send your card early. Have a letter waiting for your camper when they arrive. To do this, just sent it 3–7 days in advance of their first day. This is prime time to ask about the basics, such as how was the ride, what cabin are you in, and are you getting settled in.

Give an update. Your camper will most likely be cut off from constant communication and the internet, so you can fill them in on what’s happening. First, you can lead off with what you’re up to, and try not to make them too jealous of your Italy vacation. Then, make sure they can rest assured their favorite player is still hitting it out of the park, during the regular season and at the Home Run Derby.

Send love. This can be especially important for those first-time campers. Let them know how proud you are for leaving the nest for a week, and remind them to have a great time. This will help them feel comfortable returning back to camp again … soon.

Give them a heads up. If you have more mail and packages coming, give your camper a heads up so they make sure to look for them. Plus, the anticipation makes the present that much more exciting!

Remind them to be on their best behavior. Parents know their kids. So if your kid might need a gentle reminder to stay out of trouble, shower or change their underpants, maybe drop them a card. Their cabin mates, counselors and teachers will all appreciate it.

Address it to camp. Just to be sure your camper gets your card, include the name of the camp in the address. This will help the piece of mail safely get through the trees and past any real snakes (not the stamp) kind.

Include a family photo. If your camper is away at camp for a long time or maybe this is their first sleep-away camp, a family photo can remind them of home and help with any homesickness they might be feeling.

Tell them to have a blast. The fun of summer camp won’t last forever, so remind them to have a great time. And you, as the card sender, will have hours of great stories to hear once you pick them back up for their adventures.

Hurry, send a card now before camp is over!



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Send beautifully handwritten cards as quick as texting. 💌🎉