Punk Rabbit
Sep 27, 2023

Punk Rabbit (PUK)

⚡ Telegram: https://t.me/Punk_Rabbit

🕸 Website: https://punkrabbits.com/

🔴 Token Address: ⬇️

Presale Update

⏰ Presale Time: 09/29 15:00 PM

🏆 Soft/Hard Cap: 15 BNB / 60 BNB

🕹️ Min/Max: 0.05 BNB / 5 BNB

💰 Initial Market Cap: $20,092

Presale Rate: 1 BNB = 3,370,000,000 PUK

Listing Rate: 1 BNB = 3,033,000,000 PUK

📌 Liquidity: 51%

🔐 Liquidity Lockup Time: 370 days

🔥 Affiliate Reward: 4%

✅Presale link


Punk Rabbit

The company’s goal is to empower those working in the Web3 space, including blockchain and NFT developers by providing them with a platform