FAQ — Origin Stories #1

Punks Comic
4 min readFeb 14, 2022


Origin Stories #1: “Mad Clown, Sad Town”

  • 5,902 NFTs dedicated to the Founder’s DAO
  • 0.1 ETH per mint

What is Origin Stories?

As NFT-based, digital-only short comics exploring the backgrounds of the stars and guests of PUNKS Comic, Origin Stories peels back the layers of who these characters are, uncovering the alpha that got them to the top, and learning what brought them all together. Who knows, maybe we’ll even learn that Wiggles has a secret or two in his past?

Before they came together to wow non-fungible-fans, The PUNKS were leading their own individual lives until they were called to the only place to be in web3: Origin City!

What does Origin Stories #1 focus on?

Before she was a tough-as-nails lead member of the PUNKS crew, Courtney had humble beginnings. Okay, she was always tough as nails, but to follow her dreams she had to carve her own path. Coming from a small city, Courtney had to go it alone, overcome major fears and doubts, and finally take a major leap of faith to make it in… ORIGIN CITY.

When does Origin Stories #1 drop?

Origin Stories #1 will drop the week of Feb 14. Stay tuned!

What do I need to mint Origin Stories #1?

As our genesis Origin Stories comic, Issue #1 is dedicated to the Founder’s DAO and will be available exclusively to PVFD token holders for 24 hours. Each holder will be able to mint as many Origin Stories as PVFD tokens held during the snapshot.

Once this first stage is complete, the remaining, unminted Origin Stories will be made available to a randomly selected group of 5,000 PUNKS Comic holders via Chainlink VRF (1 max mint per wallet selected). These 5,000 holders will be split into two groups, with 2,500 being able to mint during Stage 2, and the remaining 2,500 being able to mint during Stage 3 while supplies last.

When are the snapshots taking place?

Two snapshots will be taken Tuesday, Feb 15 at 1PM EST. The first snapshot will determine all PVFD token holders, while the second snapshot will determine all PUNKS Comic holders (this includes staked and unstaked PUNKS #1, PUNKS #1 Special Edition, PUNKS #2, and PUNKS #2 Elite Ape Collector’s Editions).

How do I get Founder’s DAO tokens?

Founder’s DAO tokens can be purchased on secondary markets through the following official links:

Please note that purchases after the snapshot is taken will not count towards minting eligibility for Origin Stories #1.

How does the drop work?

  • Stage 1 (24 hours): PVFD holders, 1 Origin Stories #1 NFT per PVFD held
  • Stage 2 (2 hours, upon completion of Stage 1): 2,500 randomly selected PUNKS Comic holders, 1 mint/wallet
  • Stage 3 (2 hours, upon completion of Stage 2): 2,500 additional randomly selected PUNKS Comic holders, 1 mint/wallet

Note: Stages simply unlock access, meaning you may mint during your assigned stage or at any point thereafter.

Accessible via punkscomic.com, the Origin Stories #1 drop will be comprised of 5,902 NFTs (equivalent to 5,902 PVFD tokens in existence). Upon minting opening, each PVFD token holder will have 24 hours to mint as many Origin Stories #1 NFTs as PVFD tokens held during the Feb 15 snapshot (Stage 1). Once the 24 hours elapse, all unminted Origin Stories #1 NFTs will be made available to a randomly selected group of 5,000 PUNKS Comic holders, as determined by the Feb 15 snapshot. These wallets will be split into two minting stages (2,500 during Stage 2 and the remaining 2,500 during Stage 3). Remember, stages simply unlock access, meaning you may mint during your assigned stage or at any point thereafter.

While access to mint is guaranteed for PVFD token holders (during Stage 1), it is not guaranteed for PUNKS Comic holders even if selected. Minting during Stages 2 and 3 will happen on a first-come first-served basis, while supplies last.

How will I know if my wallet was selected to mint (PUNKS Comic holders)?

Once Stage 1 opens, you will be able to connect your wallet via punkscomic.com and check your eligibility for Stages 2 and 3.

How do I read the comic?

Once the Origin Stories #1 NFT is held in your wallet, you will be able to connect to punkscomic.com and read your comic.

Will MetaHero Core Identity and PUNKS #1 Special Edition holders receive a complimentary Origin Stories #1 NFT (PixelPass access)?

Yes. Pixel Vault is currently in possession of 1,000 PVFD tokens, meaning it is eligible for 1,000 Origin Stories #1 mints. Of these 1,000 possible mints, 200 will be retained for distribution to PixelPass-tied NFT holders as well as the Pixel Vault team. The remaining 800 will not be minted by Pixel Vault, meaning they (in addition to any unminted by PVFD holders) will become available for PUNKS Comic holders after Stage 1 is complete.

