Why I Want To Write #1

an essay inspired by an essay read outloud in my AP english class while i was halfway paying attention and doing my chemistry work a period before it was due

2 min readFeb 25, 2014

“I don’t understand this”
“This is hard. I don’t get what the author is trying to tell us.”
“Why are you asking us to tell you what the author is trying to say on page two, paragraph 3.”
That’s all I overheard while hurrying to finish my chemistry homework and lab. But the thing is, I was barely paying attention and I could tell you what was happening. No one picks up the depth of any essay we read. Maybe it’s the way I connect with just about anything, but I don’t understand why someone can complain so much about another person’s writing.
I want to write because I want people to pick up depth in my writings. I want someone to read the underlying meaning of why I’m writing it. I want someone to understand my writing.
Now, I know that sounds like a angsty teenager whining about how no one understands them and how all they want in life is to relate and be related to. Well, you’re right and I am an angsty teenager. I want to be heard. I want to influence. I want to be understood. I want to be appreciated. I want to express something and not have to feel stupid because I want to know that someone out there feels the exact same way I do, or at least can relate.




do you call yourself a fucking hurricane like me? // they/them // Storm City Roller Girls // blink-182 life. for life. |-/