Being Rich isn’t for Everyone!

Sandy Shapcott
3 min readOct 10, 2019


Think about this: if everyone was RICH no one would be rich, and if everyone was Poor no one would be poor, because we would all be the same and wouldn’t know any difference.

The world is made up of different professions and People for good reasons, we all have different likes, passions and goals that are meant just for us. Yes, some of us go our whole lives wondering what we are meant to be, and what is our real purpose and passion in life . We take jobs that provide the means to support ourselves and live the best way we know how.

I have been listening to all kinds of motivational speeches, and what some may think is the reason why some just settle for the average middle class life. They say our brain has be wired and trained that way from the time we are born and its not our fault we are not rich. I do agree your upbringing and environment does have some bearing on how you may want to live your life but it isn’t all of it. The one thing that I feel never gets mentioned is YOUR free will to choose!!! God gave us the free will to choose, the path in life we want to take.

Would it be wise to have a world that the only profession was an business on the internet? OF COURSE NOT!! Yes, times our changing, computers and the internet are becoming very popular tools on how we operate businesses. But lets not forget the people and compassion we should have for each other. We need the doctors, policemen, nurses, teachers, plumbers, house builders, firemen, the stay at home moms, the list goes on; why, because we couldn’t survive without them. Just like we couldn’t survive without the birds, bees, trees, water and the air we breathe.

Some professions may only provide an average income and you’re not going to become a millionaire by doing this type of work but society would be lost without YOU! Be Proud of what you do! No matter what it is you do, if you like what you do, and especially if you did follow your dream and are in the profession/job you wanted to work at.

I would like to comment on one other thing, that I have heard a lot of lately about the 9 -5 jobs and this thing about exchanging time for money! Any type of work you do for money is exchanging your time for money!!! Weather it is knitting blankets for hours to sell for money, or spending hours fixing someone’s car for money. Or hosting a webinar , posting ads, working on the computer writing stories to sell. It is all YOUR TIME. What makes it beneficial is if you get more out of what you are doing then just the money. Money to me is only a resource we need to buy the items we need to live. For example: food , clothing, shelter.

In conclusion, Being Rich isn’t for everyone! Being happy at what you do and the way you live your life should BE!! Like my father said to me, (note: I came from a large family of nine children, and my parents , 11 in all with one bathroom) “Sandy, I may not be Rich in the money sense, but I have all the things I need and the love of my family makes me feel like the richest man alive.”

Please feel free to drop a comment and let me know how you feel.

