Is The Human Design System the Answer to Career Burnout?

Rachel Lieberman
8 min readJul 22, 2019
This human-shaped circuit board is the Human Design Bodygraph — the map to our individual energy systems. Depending on which centers and lines you have colored in, it will show you how to best use your energy and make the best decisions for your career and life.

This year, I experienced complete and total Burnout. I went from being a generally satisfied worker at my corporate job to being depressed, frustrated, and nearly unable to get out of bed. Yes, I was working long hours. Yes, I had recently had a promotion to a new and challenging role. However, this was something different.

The reality was — my job was going well. My accounts were growing, my employees were motivated and supported, and my clients saw me as a positive asset. The issue wasn’t with the outside world’s perception of me — it was an issue with what I was doing in the outside world and how it affected me inside.

More than once I laid on the sofa at night drained beyond belief and feeling something deep inside hurting and aching, crumbling in on itself. No stranger to intense spiritual initiations, I wasn’t panicked but I finally had to admit that I knew what the message was — I was dying.

Was my body dying? No. I was generally healthy, if not exhausted and living with chronic tension headaches that had a habit of appearing by 1 pm every day at the office.

It was something deeper.

As I’ve discussed before here, I did eventually leave my job, because the Burnout was so severe. I was so done feeling dead inside that I faced my fears of…



Rachel Lieberman

Founder of, a blog about practical applications for the Human Design System founded by Ra Uru Hu. Focus: purposeful work and burnout.