Technical Guide For Buying A Servo Voltage Stabilizer

2 min readApr 24, 2019


A Servo Voltage Stabilizer is an important device, which is most probably used to provide safety to appliances against voltage fluctuations and power cuts. These stabilizers help to maintain a proper voltage level and let the appliance do their work properly without facing any instability in voltage. These are so many things you should know about this device, which give so many benefits to you and your industrial equipment.

Servo Voltage Stabilizer

What Is The Need Of A Stabilizer?

A Servo Voltage Stabilizer is an electronic device, which performs its function with the help of its powerful servo motors that helps to maintain stability in the voltage and let your device perform its task hassle-free. Its main function is to stabilize the voltage and protect the electronic equipment from getting damaged. It also saves energy and reduces your utility bills because of its low power consumption feature.

How To Select The Right Stabilizer For Your Application?

No doubt, different appliances need a different rate of voltage and, therefore, choosing the right of its type is necessary to take benefits from it. Its selection process is very easy and most probably based on its input and output voltage rating, K V A rating, type of load, voltage, cooling, and protection required by your device. You have to understand them well before purchasing, or you can also contact Servo Voltage Stabilizer.

Non-standard Servo stabilizer to suit individual customer requirement can also be manufactured against specific requirements. For this following information is required with the enquiry.

No. of phases in the supply system.
Range of input voltage variation.
Nominal output voltage.
Capacity in KVA.
Max. Current in any phase.
Speed of correction desired in volts/sec.
Size limitation, if any.
Desired optional features like High — low Cutoff, MCCB, By-Pass Facility Etc.

How Much It Will Cost?

It is a cost-effective device, which is effortlessly accessible in the market or online at Purevolt Products Pvt. Ltd at a pocket-friendly price. Along with this, its installation, operation and maintenance cost is not so high, which in result saves your time, money and efforts. Its will never cost you so high and can easily fit into your stipulated budget.




Purevolt,is the leading Manufacturer & Exporter of all kinds of Servo Voltage Stabilizer, Automatic Voltage Controller from Delhi .http://www.servostabilizerind