5 Tips for Business Building Success with Purium

Peter Dorgai
5 min readDec 8, 2022


Building Your Purium Business

If you have been looking for ways to be more healthy, you probably noticed that many of the foods you’ve seen are filled with ingredients that are unnatural and unnecessary.

Purium is a company focused on whole-life wellness that represents balance in all aspects. Encompassing personal, familial, and financial well-being, whole-life wellness achieves a more holistic, balanced life for you and your family. And sharing Purium is one path toward achieving that goal.

It doesn’t matter if you’ve already begun your business journey, or if you’re still not sure where to start, that's why I put this resource on starting your Purium business, but here are five essential tips to keep in mind to succeed at building your business with Purium.

1) Be Consistent

There’s no hard and fast rule or formula for sharing other than to do it and keep doing it.

Using the S.M.A.R.T goals concept, set a goal for how many times you will share in the next 21 days. Consciously commit to sharing authentically. they will come.

Successful businesses are built around a strong, passionate, capable team. Look for those characteristics in the people you are meeting. You need strong partners, and finding like-minded people to build your business with is powerful.

Attend events. Be open to meeting people from all walks of life and share your journey with them.

Invest in the people you meet and the team you are building. Sharing the Young Living lifestyle is about helping others achieve wellness.

2) Build Momentum

Business momentum is the force that drives a company to grow. It is the most important aspect of business growth and it can be achieved in many ways. Businesses can use business momentum to grow their customer base, increase revenue, and improve their bottom line.

Companies should focus on one or two strategies at a time to make sure they are not spreading themselves too thin and have a solid foundation for future growth.

Building momentum is one of the best ways to build your team as quickly as possible. Momentum is like that invisible business partner that is going to help you get to the next level.

3) Be Authentic

Think carefully about “why” you’re sharing and starting your business. Let your “why” be the foundation, guiding principle, and firm reminder that follows you throughout your journey.

You don’t have to have all the answers. It’s common to feel overwhelmed by sharing, especially when it comes to hosting your first at-home meeting. If you don’t know the answer, don’t be afraid to admit it. Commit to finding the answer and let people know your intentions. This builds trust and gives you an opportunity to follow up.

Everyone’s goals and approaches are different. What might work best for some people may not always make the most sense for you. Set Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, Timely (S.M.A.R.T) goals that work for YOU, and be ready to dive in for all the right reasons.

4) Understand the Compensation

There are certain benchmarks you’ll want to put on your dream board to help get your business off the ground and keep it thriving. Here is the Purium compensation plan.

Join Essential Rewards: Enjoy products delivered to your doorstep monthly with Purium loyalty program, Essential Rewards (ER). You’ll get access to preferred shipping rates, loyalty gifts, and more. To take part in the program, be sure to place an ER order of 50+ Personal Volume (PV) each month. Encourage your existing and new team members to do the same.

Enroll New Members: Maintain monthly orders of 50+ PV, and each new member you sign up with a Premium Starter Kit (PSK) will earn you a Starter Kit Bonus of $32.25 CAD ($25 USD) and a Fast Start Bonus of about $32.25 CAD ($25 USD) (calculated at 25% of the PV value of the enrollee’s order). This is a great way to build your team and cover the costs of the Young Living products you enjoy each month.

Jump to 100+ PV: Bump your monthly order up to 100+ PV to become eligible for all commission benefits. You and your team members who are at 100+ PV each month will begin receiving commissions on a percentage of the orders placed within the organization. This will help position you and your team to earn the Rising Star Bonus.

Rising Star Bonus: Once you reach the rank of Star or Senior Star, aim to get seven team members processing ER orders of 100+ PV monthly. Maintain or exceed your Star or Senior Star ranking and reach certain sales numbers (Organizational Gross Volume — OGV) within each of the seven-team member’s organizations. With seven legs at this level, you will begin qualifying for shares which are a percentage of Young Living’s commissionable sales each month. You can claim up to six shares, receiving a maximum of $64.50 CAD ($50 USD) per share. A monthly ER order of 100+ PV is required to qualify for this bonus.

Elite Express: Once you reach the rank of Executive, set your sights on the Elite Express benchmarks to help shape your goals and accelerate the growth of your business. Elite Express rewards you with special, high-value products for reaching new ranks, while also enjoying the increased commission sales that come with a growing organization.

4) Never Quit

Visualize your success and dreams, and keep in mind that your habits are what create your results so change the habits that aren’t working for you.

Keep learning and never stop working on your own personal development. When you feel strong and empowered, your team will too.

Reach out and build strong relationships with the members in your downline and upline. They are tremendous resources for support and ideas for growing your business.

It’s normal to feel frustrated at times, but don’t let negative emotions dictate your actions. Acknowledge those feelings, let them pass, and stay focused on how you will overcome the challenge.

Choose to be grateful in all situations. Gratitude is an attitude of positivity and resilience that will help you achieve your goals.

All in all, when it comes to success, remember to invest in people and the business will come. Remember that the journey is yours. If you’re doing what you love and are genuinely passionate about it, let that radiate from you and resonate with everyone you meet.



Peter Dorgai

As a fitness enthusiast, I share my thoughts on building a business with Purium and review my favorite Purium products.