OAuth2 in Apache Cordova

2 min readSep 26, 2017


How do you do OAuth2 in cordova/phonegap apps?

I have been asked this question multiple times in the last few years, and I always just sort of dismissed it as being easy. I would typically say ‘Use the InAppBrowser plugin and watch for location changes.’ A recent pull-request to the InAppBrowser asking to add potentially unsecure Android intent/protocol support tells me I need to do a bit more to explain and show how this works.

Here is what I meant when I dismissed this as trivial:

var endUrl = "https://phonegap.com/authCallback"; 
var startUrl = "http://github.com/login/oauth/authorize/";
startUrl += "?client_id=89855411f5d2ab238ad2";
startUrl += "&redirect_uri=" + endUrl;
// scope, state, allow_signup also available
var browser = cordova.InAppBrowser.open(startUrl, '_blank', 'location=yes');
browser.addEventListener('loadstart', function(evt){
console.log('evt.url = ' + evt.url);
if(evt.url.indexOf(endUrl) == 0) {
// close the browser, we are done!
// TODO: pull the token out and
// use it for further API calls.
browser.addEventListener('loaderror', function(err) {
console.log("error " + err);
// TODO: handle this of course!

Of course, you will need the InAppBrowser plugin installed for this to work, but it’s pretty easy right?

Just in case you would like it easier still, I have thrown together a plugin that does it for you. Here is how you can accomplish the same thing with the plugin:

var endUrl = "https://phonegap.com/authCallback"; 
var startUrl = "http://github.com/login/oauth/authorize/";
startUrl += "?client_id=89855411f5d2ab238ad2";
startUrl += "&redirect_uri=" + endUrl;
// scope, state, allow_signup also available
// TODO: pull the token out and use it for further API calls.
function(err) {
// TODO: handle this of course
}, startUrl,endUrl);

Install the plugin like this:

cordova plugin add https://github.com/purplecabbage/phonegap-plugin-oauth2

( I’ll get it on npm soonish )

As always, I welcome your comments, critiques, issues, and of course pull requests.






trophy husband; proud father; apache cordova committer, invertuoso, tinker, reformed guitar shredder ... and I work at Adobe, opinions are my own.