#ThirdWorldProblems: Game Development

Hsiao Wei (Michelle) Chen
9 min readMar 23, 2018

I had a chat with some awesome Filipino game devs where we talked about what game development is like in a “third world country”, the challenges we face and how we overcome them.

Gwendelyn Foster @karabaos, CTO of Ritmo Learning Lab, joins me as she commutes home from work, showing us that it’s perfectly safe to walk home in Manila while talking on your phone and the streets are not dirty.

Niccolo Manahan @le_niccolo from Monstronauts, also hops on and tells us about their studio and their game Potion Punch.

We also talk about his boss, Allen Tan, who was starred in a San Miguel beer commercial, and we wondered if that meant free beers for Beer Fridays.

Nicco is also a part-time lecturer at De La Salle — College of Saint Benilde, where he also graduated from. He teaches programming for games and a little bit of the production pipeline for freshmen.

