God or Satan: Who Are You Going to Serve?

Only one can be your master

Purple Lydia
5 min readDec 20, 2023
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“You’re gonna have to serve somebody

Well, it may be the Devil or it may be the Lord

But you’re gonna have to serve somebody”

- written by Bob Dylan (from the song Gotta Serve Somebody lyrics copyrighted 1979 by Special Rider Music, www.bobdylan.com)

Two Sides

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Just like there are only two sides to every coin, there are only two sides to choose from when it comes to deciding who you will follow and serve during your lifetime. Who you chose to submit to will have eternal consequences — whether you believe it or not.

You will either give your life to God, obey, and worship Him; or, you will serve your own self- interests and worship all that the world has to offer. By the way, the captain for that second team is Satan — even if you don’t acknowledge him, subscribe to a higher being, or accept any belief system.

And for the record, it really doesn’t matter if you don’t believe in the devil or not. Rest assured — he totally believes in you.

And he is constantly fighting to tow as many people as possible with him to his eternal destination. If he can grab you and take you along for the ride, he’ll be more than glad to do it.

The Problem with Submission

Many of us don’t like the idea of submission. And we don’t like the word ‘servant’. The word immediately conjures images of slavery and servitude.

And most folks don’t like that.

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The problem is that many of us don’t realize that in this life, we will be making a choice to submit to either God or Satan because those are the only two names on the eternal ballot. One of them is going to be your master.

Submit to God? No Can Do

There are numerous reasons why people refuse to follow God. Here are five of them:

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· Some just don’t believe in God or any deity or higher power. Period.

· Some think that they are in control of their lives. Therefore, they don’t need to submit to God. They don’t need His help.

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· This is a big issue for today: some have had negative experiences with religion, religious leaders, or Christians-behaving-badly. Unfortunately, those experiences have soured them on the idea of submitting to God or any religion.

· Submission to God means relinquishing the right to live a lifestyle of their choosing — one that probably isn’t aligned with godly principles. So, their freedom to do as they chose is hampered by morals they may not agree with or believe in.

  • For whatever reason they are mad at God.

Why the Attitude with God?

After all, He’s the good guy in the fight.

He’s the One who literally created everything seen and unseen. Oxygen? God made it. Gravity? He made that too. Jupiter and the sun? He created those and everything else in space. He made kangaroos and earthworms.

Photo by James Wainscoat on Unsplash

He made the color yellow.

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He made tomatoes.

He made uranium and electrons.

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The ocean and volcanoes and toenails and eyelashes and nose hairs and lady bugs and Giant Sequoia trees and chlorophyll and moonlight — He made all of it.

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Photo by Robert Penaloza on Unsplash

And He made you and me.

He is God. The Creator and Sustainer of all life. He is loving and merciful.

So why wouldn’t we want to serve Him?

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Yet, some openly side with the Enemy. Honestly, the Other Guy hasn’t made anything but trouble for humans since day one. He isn’t a creator, like God. Nope.

He is a destroyer. Look at some of what he’s responsible for:

Photo by Jaime Spaniol on Unsplash

War. Greed. Pornography. Sex trafficking. Racism. Sexism. Sorcery and witchcraft. Genocide. Bullying. Lying. Stealing. Murder. Disease. Corrupt government.

Photo by David von Diemar on Unsplash

Anything evil. Anything horrific. Anything detestable.

That’s his doing, his influence.

Why chose to serve the agent of chaos? …because one day, even he will have to answer for all the pain and trouble he’s caused. And you know who will be administering that punishment? God.

The Hard Facts

As difficult as it may seem to believe for some, there really is a God. He sent His beloved Son, Jesus, to earth to die for our sins so that we could be reconciled back to Him.

There also is a demonic entity whose entire existence revolves around trying to demolish and devour those who love and obey God. He is Satan, the adversary.

Eventually, the physical body will surely die. It decays. It returns to the dust from which it was created.

Photo by Linda Gerbec on Unsplash

But the soul, that intangible thing that is given to us by God and makes us live and breathe — it’s eternal. It doesn’t die.

And one day, everyone will be either be in peaceful bliss with the Lord or in nonstop, fiery torment with Satan.


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For eternity.

And that’s a mighty long time.

Just like Dylan stated in his song: you are going to serve somebody.

Better make sure it’s the right one.

I hope my words haven’t hindered anyone from choosing Jesus. This was written in love, folks. Not condemnation.

Check out this article I wrote about the possibility of selling one’s soul. Or, this one about being a considerate billionaire. Subscribe so you never miss an article.

Thanks for reading. Thanks for your time.



Purple Lydia

Trying to be the salt and the light every day. Kindness counts. So does being grateful. Still learning...