When a Stick Turned Into a Snake

God vs Magic (God Won)

Purple Lydia
2 min readJan 1, 2024
Photo by COPPERTIST WU on Unsplash

Exodus…Movement of the People

Exodus, the second book in the Old Testament, recounts the dramatic story of the emancipation of God’s people from 400 years of Egyptian slavery.

Photo by Brett Jordan on Unsplash

They weren’t freed immediately though. Pharaoh, the Egyptian king, wasn’t keen on releasing his workforce.

The Meet Up

So, God sent Moses and his older brother Aaron to confront Pharaoh. But, he wasn’t having any of it. Pharaoh refused to acknowledge the God of the Israelites. (His stubbornness didn’t surprise God. In fact, the Almighty was the impetus behind that attitude!).

Aaron’s Staff Becomes a Snake

Photo by Arvid Høidahl on Unsplash

To prove God’s power, Aaron threw down the staff he was carrying. It immediately turned into a snake. It was a miracle!

Pharaoh wasn’t impressed.

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He called up his own team of wise men and magicians. A pair of sorcerers, Jannes and Jambres, were among those who challenged the brothers and their God.

The pharaoh’s men threw down their staffs. Through the use of demonic power, each of their staffs morphed into snakes, too.

Wait For It

But something else happened.

Photo by krakenimages on Unsplash

While the magicians’ serpents were slithering around on the floor, Aaron’s staff ate or “swallowed up” every single one of the other staffs.

It was undeniable proof and a crystal clear message to the pharaoh and his henchmen that Egyptian magic was no match for the God of the Israelites.

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Purple Lydia

Trying to be the salt and the light every day. Kindness counts. So does being grateful. Still learning...