TMBG Randomizer #162: Chess Piece Face

3 min readFeb 5, 2023


By @Cherry_limeades on Twitter/Instagram

Song: Chess Piece Face

Album: They Might Be Giants

Release Date: 1986

In a previous review (specifically the one for “Kitten Intro”), I mentioned today’s song, “Chess Piece Face”, as one of the earliest songs by TMBG that unsettles me. The mood is eerie, the music is disjointed and strange, and the vocal track makes my skin crawl. But in all honesty, I love this song. It was one of the first off of They Might Be Giants that I truly enjoyed, and I still hold in in high regards to this day. Of course it still unnerves me, but now I have a respect for it that will forever trump my distrust of it. I also get the feeling that this is one of the more overlooked of the Pink Album’s track list, so because of that it ranks even higher for me. I know: ~I’m interesting~.

Moments of Interest: Okay, the first thing that this song hits the listener with is the shrieking, piercing sound of a high-pitched organ sliding up and down the scale. It is probably the most recognizable aspect of this song musically, especially because the song itself only has two instruments in it. The other instrument used here takes the form of the shaky, plucky bass, which ambles onward along with the vocals, sidestepping and crab walking awkwardly into the horizon line. The lyrics are just scary, with lines like: “I don’t know where he lives, or if he knows to sail” and “I shudder in my lampshade”. What? Those aren’t scary? Oh, I forgot! The main theory that I subscribe to (thanks to TMBW as always) is that Chess Piece Face is a dangerous criminal hunting the narrator down. I’ve seen witness protection program, I’ve seen mobster, the whole lot. Now the line “I shudder in my lampshade” is much creepier. According to Flans himself however, this song is referring to an old coworker of his who allegedly has “Elephant Man Syndrome”, or “Proteus Syndrome”, which is a rare disease that results in abnormal swelling of the body parts. With this meaning, the song becomes much more melancholic than anything. Whatever the case, “Chess Piece Face” is still a strangely frightening song to me.

Favorite Aspect: I love how this song makes me feel! Sure, it isn’t as creepy as songs like “Kitten Intro” or “What Did I Do to You?”, and it isn’t as sad as songs like “They’ll Need A Crane” or “My Man”, but it makes me feel those two in tandem with each other (sometimes I only hear it as creepy, but that’s beside the point). I can’t think of any other song by Them that makes me feel this way.

Score: This song is an all-time classic for me, surprise surprise. You’ll also be surprised to hear that I am giving it a 9/10. But in all honesty, this song sticks out like a sore thumb to me, whether it be because I’m creeped out or because of it’s poignancy.

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I have a burning passion for all things They Might Be Giants. I get the majority of my information from