TMBG Randomizer #339: Even Numbers

2 min readAug 22, 2023


Screenshot from the music video

Audio: Even Numbers

Album: Here Come the 123s

Release Date: 2008

Along with an individual song for each single-digit number (if not multiple), Here Come the 123s also includes tracks that tackle specific topics within the world of numbers. A very important one, the subject of even and odd numbers, is the topic that today’s song explains. Linnell’s “Even Numbers” is both informative and satisfying.

Moments of Interest: With a full band roster working on this song, all on their usual instruments, this song sounds extremely fleshed-out. Very key-focused, with piano and interesting wah-wah effects coursing throughout the entire song.

The “leave out the odd ones” interludes are such a shift from the main sound, but they work really well. I especially like the guitar shriek during the climax of each ascent.

I think overall, the vocals on this track are one of the strongest factors here. Everyone loves a good Linnell song, but there will always be something special about his softer, more heartfelt-sounding songs.

Favorite Aspect: I love the vocals here. They’re sweet and warm and well-delivered; I think this song may have some of Linnell’s best vocal work on the album.

Score: This was a shorter review, but that’s simply because this song is so solid that I can’t come up with anything to talk about.

… Is that an actual reason? I don’t know, but it’s the truth.

Anyways, this song is one of my favorites on 123s, one that I always go back to (or skip forward to). I give it a 10/10.

Upcoming: Counterfeit Faker [Long Tall Weekend]




I have a burning passion for all things They Might Be Giants. I get the majority of my information from