TMBG Randomizer #443: I Got My T-Shirt Back

2 min readDec 4, 2023


I got my T-shirt back!

Audio: I Got My T-Shirt Back

Album: Songs for Chop

Release Date: 2007

Thanks to They Got Lost, I’ve known most of the songs made for the Chop Shop for a while now. But recently, I noticed two other tracks that I never really payed any attention to: “Prisoners of Graphic Design” and today’s review “I Got My T-Shirt Back”.

I’ve heard a lot of praise for this particular song, but honestly I don’t really get it as much. Like, it’s good and all, but nothing to write home about. In fact, I think that “Prisoners” is generally a more enjoyable track (it isn’t a better song, but it feels more unique). But like all TMBG songs, my judgement is purely based against other TMBG songs; I like all TMBG songs at an equal base level.

Moments of Interest: Really, the only two interesting parts of this song are the lead and background vocals (and the bongos). The vocals have that early 2000s Flans sound. I don’t really know how to describe it, but it’s a similar feeling for me like how old Flans Dial-A-Song tracks all sound very similar (for instance, I knew that “The Summer Breeze” was a Dial-A-Song alumni upon first listen just because of the lyrics).

The background has Robin singing the line “Chop Shop, Chop Shop,” over and over again. It adds a little bit of interest to the song, but for the most part it just feels repetitive.

Now, the bongos are amazing — but you’ll just have to take my word for that…

Favorite Aspect:


Score: This song just didn’t grab me as much as it evidently has with others, and that’s just fine. Not every song can please me in the same way that others can. “I Got My T-Shirt Back” is only worthy of a 4/10 for me; what do you think of this song?

Upcoming: Particle Man (Demo) [TMBG Unlimited: November]




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