Stiff Collins
15 min readMay 26, 2023

Love Conquers All — The Loner “PXMA” Interview


Love is one of the most peculiar, yet misunderstood, languages that can both unify and destroy a culture.

When it comes to music, love is universal.

The different connotations that tend to stem from love, or lack-there-of, all manifest from experience or a learned behavior.

In the case of Pxma The Loner, self-love is where the journey starts.

Getting his start in music at an early age while growing up in The Loner State (LAGOS) enabled Pxma to familiarize himself with the benefits that stem from developing a core fan-base at the home-front.

Home is where the heart is. However, Pxma chooses to take his heart on the road with him and spread the love throughout the context of his musical catalog.

We had the opportunity to catch up with Pxma to talk about his journey in music so far and forthcoming work.

Check it out below.

Q: What inspired the transition from yungpuma to Pxma the loner?

A: Basically just a different chapter in my life bro. Learning from my mistakes. The twist to it, “Pxma” is about the importance of self-love. In order to give love, in order to receive love, you have to love yourself.

Q: What inspires your creativity as an artist?

A: I just smoke a lot of weed and sometimes cigarettes (haha), but nah everything around me bro. I just wake up and I can make a song about anything. I try to pull from events that I go through in life and feelings that I experience in the moment. Even with art work and a lot of shit.

Q: Where are you originally from?

A: I’m an hybrid from two states, not saying,I like my privacy but I’m in LAG currently.

Q: What’s your take on MONEY and LOVE?

A: I choose love anyday, i feel like people are so blinded by money these days , it’s cool having money and all, but in the end what’s the result, nothing. Money can’t buy happiness or peace, it’s would give you the moment on a temporary scale, but after that… What’s next?. Nowadays people are so into material things that they lose themselves, kill themselves, no cap , i have alot of rich friends and family members, i see how they behave cause of money, some can’t even stay in peace. Always troubled about one or two things, they show those rich lifestyles to people and get expensive things to get validation and seek good tribute from it to help whatever might be pulling there legs, but suffer behind the scenes. They like the saddest people and most are the biggest debtor, people outside don’t just know it cause that’s what they hide , that’s why some go through different emotional phases, get into bet, drug addictions. People who in pain or have bad luck are people who can’t let go of things, so they lie to themselves using getting money as a problem to find or seek peace, but if you look deeper they still sad as hell cause they can’t let go of the past and they finally realize money can’t solve it, it might take there mind off it for a while ,but it’s going to continue hurting em and they keep lying to themselvese with riches, why can’t you stay true to yourself and how long do you think you can keep those act up before you busted, that why you need love “genuine love”, money’s just sorrow, today’s world has made money the top tier and that’s why you see everyone rooting for it, turning into mindless beings, people know what I’m saying now is the truth, but they still insult me and maybe clear me cause they been blinded by society and what the media has projected to em, losing their true self
If that’s what comes with getting money or been rich, mehn i really don’t want it, but then you just have to and that’s why you need to be spiritual awaken and Pray Always for control, don’t forget YOU NEED TRUE LOVE TOO VERY IMPORTANT.

Q: So what would you say about “LOVE”?

A:Love does alot, love is beautiful, love is improving, love is God, love is forgiveness, love is chance, love is mercy, (haha) i don’t even know what I’m saying but for real, seriously Love is everything , most times i get free things and help from people cause they genuinely love me, that’s why I’m open and willing to help anybody no matter how the person sees me, i could meet my worst enemy now and still decide to help him/her regardless our beef cause i let love consume and lead for me, that’s why I don’t get angry or fall under pressure no matter what anybody did to me, cause love consume me,i choose to love myself to that extend, self love is really important in life, sometimes i get this alot from people, they would ask me “why do i laugh too much even in serious situation or a room fill with no smiles “ , guess what i even laugh more, cause nobody can understand my happiness and peace, and it’s not even money involvement, something i build up all by myself, cause I’ve observe life , learn from God’s word and put my spiritually on a highly recommend base, i feel that’s one of the best thing I’ve done for myself been an introvert or loner, meditating, I’m self taught, staying indoors, learning.

Q: Also I’ve been waiting to ask you this , what’s your value intake like?

A: Thank God for not making me base my beliefs and values not materiel things or humans, but on a more spiritual meaning, for instance i have alot of female friends, now check this out, if i want to get sex , it’s really not that much of a thing, how much is it gonna cost, but i choose to value myself and the fact that sex is way more spiritual than a normal factor, i know I’m way too precious to sleep with anybody anyhow, you feel me, my d**k is golden, for me to have sex with you brings in another type of connection, that means to me that i want to keep you forever , so for that reason i can’t be having sex like it’s a basic route, rather just watch p**n and jerk off, same way i see material things, i respect what needs to be respected, that how I’ve been avoiding some embarrassment and BS in life, reasons i stay quiet all the time.

Q: what scares you the most in people, you know been a Loner and all?

A: Actually uncomfortable people and untrustworthy people scares me the most period, why do we want some items we don’t need base on everybody else want that item, why can’t you just like what you like , why must you follow the masses , that’s what scares me the most, why do people live their life base off another person idea or opinions cause you don’t wanna be the odd one , so now you trying so hard to like what they like or what the mass think is cool to like that you have lost value and love for yourself and now you are no longer comfortable with who you are, forcing yourself to false love , false value , you just end up hurting yourself in the end. Just like i want to get a tattoo, i want to get it base on the fact that it what I want not cause of everybody around has one, I’m getting it cause it’s my desire.

Q: Lately you been dropping some Snippets based around romance and relationship struggles, any insight on that?

A: (haha) feels like you guys set me up (hahaha), questions starting to sound more like my personal life than music (haha), well just few things I’ve been hanging on since the beginning of this year, some of those songs were like last year, just things I’ve been through this year.

Q: So if your music speak your true, meaning you have a love life right and those are the struggles you face, correct?

A: Actually you right tho, but you know not every relationship go smooth, they’re always challenges, good times, bad times and so on, I’m the type of person that before i get into things like this, i make sure my mind’s ready, my heart, soul and mind is all sync together to make sure the decision I take to choose this person is right for me, also my pocket (haha) also i think people need to start generalizing the facts that not everything is going to be rosey in a relationship, and they should stop using relationship as an escape from past love, trauma or a mean to use someone so they could get somewhere, stop wasting people time just to fill your own place, stop locking em in a cage, if you don’t love someone, tell em, that doesn’t mean they gon beat you or hate you for life, like me if my girlfriend walked up to me today and say to me “she no longer have feelings for me and have seen a new guy” , honestly i won’t love her less, in fact I’ll be happy for her and show her support, doesn’t mean everything i planned for her I’m gonna stop it, i still do em but now on my own terms, same thing applies to me , if I’ve seen someone new and lost feelings for her, i let her know than wasting her time trying to keep her when i know it’s not going anywhere, she deserves to know and move on, but then you have make sure why you leaving or dumping her, it’s has to be a good reason why you lost feelings with your partner, if it’s money issues or Treatment those are bullsh*t reasons, the person never loved you, just wanted something from the relationship.
communication can be difficult, you know trying to open up to some stranger base on you love em, but honestly communication solve alot in relationships, and then you finally learn your place in your partner life, if she still want me as a friend or kicking me out, let me know and also learn to let go.

Q: Sorry, what you mean by “on your own terms”?

A: Okay, fine ,let me use myself as an example, let’s say maybe she wasn’t patient with me enough base on the facts they might be other things that the other guy doing that’s lightning up her fantasy , right, most girls are appealing to guys who have more social status and do social activities, right, but then ask yourself this how many of this guys spending money or i say “rich guys” have a long lasting relationship, boom, cause see the truth is the rich guy is always going to find another girl way hotter than you, better in fact cause he can’t just relate with you, it’s not like you are not hot, sexy or pretty but because you as a lady you base your values on money and material things , so you keep hurting yourself jump from man to man yet still because of money and later end up been on everybody hoe list, i feel ladies need to pause and ask their selves this “the way he blows this money so quick on me and tap me fast, do you think he can’t do that to any other girl else, if the right amount of money can buy your value for him to enter you, sis he can do the same to other girls while he still date you, don’t feel special, that’s how you get cheated on, then you start saying “men are scum “ cause you couldn’t value yourself more,i feel ladies need to know they’re worth more than money and material things, money isn’t everything, trust me I’m a guy, nobody wants to be in a relationship with a hoe , cause every man that’s comes your way, would just want to f**k and pass, then you become trash, a sex symbol” that’s why i don’t base my relationship off money, i wan to know your value and worth, if you not showing any, then you a hoe to me, that’s the terms.

Q: Why the title “PRETTY GIRLS LOVE PXMA” for the project?

A: simple bruh, pretty girls love me , you should know this by now (haha)

Q: Remember you played me “LDR” . I wanted to ask how does that track affect your perspective on relationship?

A: Like i said before, there’s always gon be challenges , you just have to man up and face them or run like a p**sy, like there are times,okay like if i get ghosted by my partner, do i get angry or let my emotions play out? Hell no, i know better than to do those things, yea i might get a little hurt cause that’s my spare time and I’m trying to use that time to bond because I’m not always that free, I’m jacked with alot of works everyday, i barely sleep at all, i can’t remember when last i had a perfect sleep or nap, but that doesn’t mean cause she ghosted me, doesn’t mean i have to start seeking validation from other girls in my dm, even if i have million in my dm, I’m way bigger than that, that’s child play, rather use that spare time investing on my mental growth, learning or having fun with the boys. Don’t always forget that your partner have their own life to live, always try to put yourself in their shoes, they might have it difficult in there side, it’s not always about you, so i always choose to understand the situation and give her space if i get ghost or put on left she could be going through alot and if she doesn’t want to talk to me about it, it’s fine, I’m not forcing a vibe, I’ll be here when you wanna talk.

Q: So how you handle the struggles in relationships?

A: mehn, you just have to be patient, let God lead and observe honestly, i feel once you have a partner that will forever understand that sometimes life gets hard and you won’t always be at your best emotionally, financially and mentally, is way more important.

Q: Why pick the “loner” slogan?

A: Not a slogan, that’s my lifestyle, for real, it represents self love , knowing you in a world all alone , that no matter what you gat yourself.
You know the older i get, the more i realize it’s not about who has known you the longest time, it’s about the ones who makes you feel seen, heard, understood, appreciated, supported and loved
That’s why i don’t keep people around me, i know my squad, my squad knows me , they my safe zone.

Q: What do you like to do in your free time (outside of music)?

A: I wish i had free time, so i can spend more time with the people i love and care about, you know, cause even in my free time, I’m working still, i hardly even stay active online, i feel cause i work way too much i emotionally detached myself from people and love ones, i can’t blame em for leaving most times, i wish i could control how i work, but then how do i make money to get a house, take care of my future family , my gang, i just hope i don’t die before 25 (haha).

Q: Talk to me about the single “Shoots”?

A: I actually recorded Shoots a little minute ago, but once I had premiered it the song went crazy. It’s one of those songs where life is as it is, just a fantasy. Life is a fantasy, realizing everything around you is fake and in the moment. I just recorded a video to it that’s about to drop. Shit is hard.

Q: Are you in any way bother about the kind of style and art you project in your country Nigeria?.

A: Actually not really, growing up i was bought up different, i had everything in a foreign exchange lite,i can’t make everybody like me or what i do. See life is really simple, i only pay attention to those who f**k with me and my art, some people do everything in their power to make sure everybody likes em, which is impossible, everybody can’t like you, that’s why you need to find your place, your people that share same interests.
I’ve been in places where people insult and talk about how i dress cause i don’t dress like the average person, they want me to be normal, but normal is boring, i do what i want, dress how i want, I don’t give a f**k what anybody think or wants to say, no matter what, cause in the end it’s how i feel that matters.

Q: Talk to me about your forthcoming Ep “PRETTY GIRLS LOVE PXMA”

A: PRETTY GIRLS LOVE PXMA is about to be something crazy. Ep of the year. It’s the soundscape, it’s a trip to the moon and back basically. I have a couple of new songs ready to release that will be featured on the project also.

Q: You were in South Africa and Ghana last year What was your SZN experience like?

A: How you even know about that (laughs*) i went on a vacation, actually to meet my Dad, not been on good terms with the man , He wanted to set stuff with me so He planned all those things , SZN is always interesting as hell. Both of the shows went up. I killed the project x stage, that shit went up. Then I did the “Don’t Come to a Loner Show” and killed it, some very important people were at that show. Just being from Lagos , nigeria and coming to south africa, then going back to Ghana just really put into perspective how much people appreciate my music. They show so much love in South Africa. I Love the girls there, they loved me too , got like a million numbers lol, I wanted to crowd surf but I didn’t.

Q: Can we anticipate a Pxma coming to South Africa set?

A: Hell yeah, when i stack up my bag (haha) i let em know when I’m coming in due time. We going crazy, Pxma, going up real soon.

Q: What do you feel like has been one of the most challenging obstacles you’ve encountered as an artist?

A: Understanding that this shit is not a race, it’s a marathon bro. Everybody thinks that they have to rush and maintain with everyone else, but really you’re on your own time. It goes back to my message bro, self-love and having an understanding of what you want. It’s been an upward trajectory ever since I started rapping. I try to preach that message to a lot of fans and my friends that I really f**k with.

Q: What does the remainder of 2023 have in-store for you?

A: Pxma will be a household name by the end of this year. Hella content, hella music, hella music videos, flooding. So, yeah, household name Pxma, that’s the goal…watch it happen.

Q: What’s your word to the youths ?

A: (pauses for moment) well, always let God lead in your life, love everyone even if they don’t love you back, but do that when you really love yourself first , help people no matter what even if they take your love , care or help for granted, treat you like trash ,but don’t take no disrespect, build your spiritually better also … That’s all.


Derrius Edwards

Derrius is a music industry professional with experience in content strategy and editorial writing, sharing relevant and resonating stories as a conduit for hip-hop culture advancement.




Stiff Collins

Stiff is a music industry professional with experience editorial writing, sharing relevant and resonating stories as a conduit for hip-hop culture advancement.