Benevolent Extraterrestrials Embedded Supra-Mystical Codes Within You When They Visited You as a Child. It’s Time To Remember Them.

Purusha Radha
6 min readSep 10, 2023


As I was waking up one morning some time ago, I spontaneously recalled a supra-mystical childhood memory. In a warp travel experience I relived a number of benevolent extraterrestrial beings paying an important visit to me. I share my story here hoping it will speak to the core of your being. I know that if you’re attracted to my story, you most probably were also visited by your starry family as a child.

My memory of that visitation was extremely vivid, clear and detailed. It was no dream.

The visit had great purpose behind it though I didn’t realize it at the time. I soon pretty much forgot about it because I simply had no idea how important it was for my future and for yours.

For a long time, I worried maybe I mentally conjured that group of starry visitors. And then another number of years later, I received a flash-of-light realization that the amazing episode with the ETs in my home in Michigan that day was only one of many that I experienced in my childhood.

I came to more accurately realize it was a buried memory of a real live event. It was like a packet of information that had bubbled to the surface for a reason.

In that major visitation event, I was given an assignment. The ETs said it was my station to assist you reading here to remember your visitations.

Benevolent extraterrestrials, your family from the future, embedded codes within you as a child for safekeeping. You are to recall and activate these codes and messages now in your adult life.

A Memory of a Childhood Visitation Is Dormant Until You Uncover and Activate It.

It’s one thing to tell you you’ve had these visitations. That’s very easy for me to say. The key is uncovering the memory of them.

I knew and understood that I had to come to a method for remembering that I could pass on to you.

For seven years, I tried to come up with the way for both you and myself. I wanted to remember more of these amazing magical visits. I wanted to have something to offer you. And my head kept getting in the way.

I crafted ways to go back in time to remember but they all felt stilted and artificial. I was trying too hard and that never works.

Once in a while a memory would surface but without any real shareable technique.

But then one day, the light finally and spontaneously, without even trying, went on.

Amazingly, that first seed memory and quest to find the memory triggering method led me to something magnificent.

It led me to remember how to consciously travel through time, space and dimension.¹

I am not unique as a starseed. We all have had visitations in our childhoods. To have received a childhood visitation from benevolent extraterrestrial beings from the future is a momentous event.

And we all are time travelers. We’ve all come back from the future to help Earth shift to the fifth dimension. We’re here on a mission.

Some of us know this and some of us don’t. Some starseeds aimlessly wander the planet not wanting to put the work in. Those are starseeds in name only.

Starseeds Carry Codes That Benefit the Planet.

It’s vital that all starseeds who know they are revisit their childhoods to uncover their codes for the Now.

Our evolving world in strife and struggle needs you to do this. You must go as often as necessary to initiate as much information and as many keycodes as possible.

Don’t you agree that the embedding of codes within you sounds consequential, momentous?

You are supposed to do something with them now in your adult life.

I hope you won’t read these words thinking they’re amazing and cool and then do nothing.

You too were visited by your starry brothers and sisters for so many reasons. Everything they do has purpose and the same goes for you, the starseed. Everything you do must have purpose.

Are you interested to find out what these memories are? Do you think you are supposed to ignore them?

“Some of you may uncover the events of extraterrestrial contact [to teach you] that all of you had when you were children… Such things have been buried by the human emotional body because it is very sensitive to judgment and the mental body passes tremendous judgment… You blocked out these events because you were not given the support to believe they truly occurred… The records are there, so you will replay them.”

— The Pleiadians in “Bringers of the Dawn,” by Barbara Marciniak

Why Did the ETs Visit You As a Child?

Why did the ETs visit you as a child? Because a child is open, unlimited, curious, inquisitive, and receptive. (But as an adult you can learn to visit the ETs as you travel your evolutionary journey. Learn how in my book.²)

Your embedded codes and assignments remain fully intact to this day and they’re begging to be initiated. These key codes exist as very express sacred geometrical formulations unique to you.

It is now time to more completely unveil yourself!

Don’t worry whether you’ll be able to decode the messages you bring to the surface. All you need do is allow the experience, decoding and truth to bubble up.

As you use the method for remembering, these may happen immediately, within a few minutes, that night during dreamtime, or over the course of days or weeks.

Awarenesses and awakenings may be full-blown conscious or subtle. But you’ll know it’s happening because your life will begin to change and for the better. You’ll find yourself living almost on another plane. You’ll begin an acceleration process of consciousness expansion.

Even when we think we’re fully, mostly or largely awakened, we’re all very much in process of awakening. There’s an awful lot of DNA activation waiting to take place. You literally carry dormant keycodes inside your physical body and DNA. They await the light of your conscious remembrance.

It’s all there within you. You just have to turn on the switches.

By way of example, here is the account of my seminal childhood extraterrestrial visitation.

I was a very young girl on a hot summer day in Michigan. I was outside my home when I experienced a blinding flash of light. A silent hush fell over me and my home.

Even as a child I sensed a profound change in my environment and called out to my mother just like any child would do when scared or confused.

Mom! Mom!

No answer.

She was there just a second ago. So was my younger sister. Now they were gone — just nowhere to be found.

My vacant house stood in serene silence. I felt all alone.

I looked to my left to the origin point of the flash of light. I saw a procession of luminous embodied beings walking single file along the side of my house. They marched across my front yard and right through the front door of my home.

They entered our living room and formed a circle, making me a part of that circle. There were ten or eleven of them. They wore long sort of white robes that looked regal and ceremonial. They were very tall and slender and all their moves were smooth and deliberate.

They spoke to me but not with their mouths and yet I understood. These most noble ETS were docile, kind, sweet and loving.

We sat there for a while involved in what seemed to be an important conclave. (I’ve realized so many years later the actual contents of that conversation.)

Then when the starry beings finished talking with me, they left in the same way they arrived.

The light flashed blindingly bright again and everything was restored to normal. My mother and sister were nearby right where we left them, and I went back to my play not remembering a thing… until decades later.

Purusha Radha
Starseed, time traveler, writer
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My Conscious Time Travel Book

¹ Go here to find my book, Conscious Time Travel: How to Travel Through Time, Space and Dimensions

² Marciniak, Barbara. Bringers of the Dawn: Teachings from the Pleiadians. United States, Inner Traditions/Bear, 1992.

