Do We Really Want to See the Worst In Each Other?

Purusha Radha
5 min readOct 4, 2023


I think a lot of us basically just endure each other. Afraid we’ll be lonely or die alone, we put up with certain people in our lives.

Think of the human population — even the smaller number of people you encounter in your life. There are an awful lot of moving parts — no two people with the same exact makeup.

Quirks, idiosyncrasies, traumas, emotional scars. We all have them. And they affect how we treat and see other people. We often look through dirty filters at the people we live with every day.

We’re all part of one big puzzle. Only thing is we mostly have to force our own pieces into the puzzle. And it’s uncomfortable rubbing up against each other.

We get quickly irked by people we live, work or socialize with. We don’t like their attitude, their emotional responses, and their views on life. In fact, we don’t enjoy their personalities, in general.

Maybe it’s because we don’t purely love them.

Let’s be honest. We don’t love most people like we love a child. Parents naturally feel a complete unconditional love for their children.

I remember the comedian Dennis Miller once said how much he wished his wife would look at him in the same way she looked at their son.

Even the love between most married people or lovers can’t rival the kind of love you have for your child.

If we could just love everybody else the way we love our children, the world would change in an instant.

We develop sullied histories with each other.

So we don’t fully love the others in our lives and we develop histories with them. These histories usually aren’t brilliant and they’re rife with emotional scars.

The bad stuff that happened between us tends to be what we remember first or most.

I recently reconnected with a person from my past. She and I never really became super close friends but I always loved her. There are just some people you have an unspoken love for. And that’s what I always felt for her.

Unfortunately, it doesn’t always work the same way the other way around.

I had a leadership function and a role to play and I did it well. She often got angry with the leaders’ decisions and lashed back. And so we developed a history with each other.

Meeting up with her again, I could tell by her conversation she was still stuck on aspects of me she didn’t like. She was still judging me, holding me in the past.

I don’t think she realized how much her opinions come back on her. If she wanted them to affect me, and they did, in some way they affected her too.

You have to be really strong and super grounded in yourself for stuff like this to just bounce off you. Some things she said took me right back to a place I left a long time ago. I had to come home and really work to get myself back to a good place.

And so now I’m going to come clean with you.

Loud, abrasive, chaotic energy… these are thoughts that immediately come to mind when I think of my friend.

Loving, sweet, kind and gentle… these are the positive thoughts that come up after I’ve first rolled the negative ones around in my mind.

I’m not proud of that.

Marcus Aurelius

Think of the people in your life one-by-one.

Follow their names with one sentence to describe them and you might have a revelation.

If all your thoughts about them are bright and positive, you get a gold star. And if you see the people in your life as inspirational, people you learn from, you’re conscious.

It’s a reflex action to think poorly of other people. We’ve allowed it to become a habit. And it’s easy to default to habits.

Marcus Aurelius often felt conflicted with his views of people, but Chapter 1 in his Meditations shows his saintly side. In it he makes a list of people in his life followed by all the good things he saw in each person.

And we can tell from his writings he constantly worked on his character. It seems like he strived to maintain only positive views of friends, teachers, associates and family.

He says of his teacher and mentor, the philosopher Sextus:

“Kindness. An example of fatherly authority in the home. What it means to live as nature requires…”

We can retrain our minds to think and see only the beautiful in each one.

When I think of my friend, negative thoughts come up easily. They’re reflexive and automatic.

I don’t like that about myself so I’m retraining my mind.

I now intend to first and only see the beautiful in every person’s soul and personality. And I made this one of the affirmations I decree every night and morning. It helps keep me focused on the new habit throughout the day.

We all can train ourselves to first and only see the beautiful in each person’s soul and personality.

Whether your friends feel your positive thoughts or not, they’ll still feel a grace come their way. And you’ll be giving that same grace to yourself just by acknowledging their beautiful aspects.

And everyone has beautiful aspects!

In fact, a couple of things can also happen:

  • On some level they’ll just sense how you feel about them and more constantly embrace the behavior you see. Really good teachers do this with their students all the time. They expect great things of their students and they get it.
  • By your new way of thinking, you’ll perceive all people as good, kind, beautiful and true. You manifest the world you want to live in.
  • Don’t expect any particular outcome from your new way of thinking and it won’t matter to you anymore how others behave.

We’re all meant to love each other yet it’s our greatest challenge.

When we think too much and let ego rule, we can’t love and honor each other. And this lack of love is the source of most of the world’s problems.

We’ve got to live and come from our hearts and from our Great Spirit. When we do, we’ll naturally think beautiful thoughts about everyone we meet.

Think about that world where we see only the good and beautiful in each other. There we are respectfully bowing to each other as we recognize each other’s Divinity within.

If only a small number of us instantly honored and thought well of all others, we’d change our lives. And one-by-one, as we change our lives, we change the world.

Purusha Radha
Starseed, time traveler, writer
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