Jump Into the Endless Ocean of Imagination
And effortlessly float your way to your desires.
Imagine a world where your body remains youthful and vibrant. Imagine freedom from bills, clawing to survive, to get ahead or to the pinnacle of your field. The Masters never stop telling us it’s entirely possible right here and now. But you have to begin to imagine it.
I remember precise moments in time when I imagined something so fiercely I felt wistful, exhilarated, charged. And then months or weeks later, there this big thing appeared in my life.
And when it happened I smiled knowing how it all began. It made its way to me starting that one night or afternoon when I thought about it intensely.
The transcendent future Pleiadian Master Ramtha urges us to spend focused time imagining. He tells us by way of the following decrees that what you image in your mind is more real than any limitation you currently perceive.
What I imagine is real.
What I imagine is my primary reality.
If you’re not spending time imagining you’re not propeller of your life.
What you see that you don’t like is an illusory construct you’ve agreed to.