‘Stargate’ Has Many Meanings to a Starseed.

Purusha Radha
4 min readDec 15, 2023


Stargates are real. Like those you’ve seen on TV, a Stargate can definitely take you to any place and point in time

A blue and gold Stargate

A Stargate is a time matrix…

  • doorway to a wormhole
  • entrance to a corridor of safe passage
  • brightly colored sphere of light energy
  • a crystalline kinetic velocity generator
  • an exit point and an entry point
  • your link to all times, all spaces and all dimensions.

But to a very high minded Starseed, Stargate has another very important meaning.

To use a well and commonly used phrase, a Stargate is a window of opportunity. But that phrase is tethered to third dimensional linear thinking and high minded Starseeds don’t think like that.

We think expansively and as unlimitedly as we possibly can.

Think in terms of frequency, multidimensionality and multiple layers of meaning.

Starseeds don’t live or understand life on the surface. We dive deep.

Everything we do, think, believe, say has multidimensional meaning. Why?

Because we’re multidimensional beings living literally many timelines simultaneously and we know it. Thinking multidimensionally is in our DNA.

So multidimensional Starseeds find almost all experiences embedded with many layered messages all of different frequencies. It’s the nature of the multiverse and of us.

The awake Starseed feels experiences through as Stargates and learns lessons not just on one level but on many.

More than a window of opportunity a Stargate’s a portal of Light information.

A Stargate is any event or period of time that works us through another layer or level of enlightenment. They’re usually enormously challenging rites of passage.

Like the sci-fi ship’s warp drive, a Stargate will bend, twist and accelerate you into higher learning and becoming.

It may take time but you come out the other end standing on a new and higher platform of becoming. You have the very real sense you’re embarking on a new phase of accelerated growth.

This is called breaking through a spiritual ceiling. And it’s the Stargate that led you there.

You’ve already been going through very many Stargates.

Found inside the lofty description of this aspect of Stargate is the Light kernel that’s actually part of your everyday life. You’ve already been going through very many Stargates.

For some people, they’re windows of opportunity, challenges or difficulties.

But for Starseeds who see through the eyes of our starry origins they’re Stargates. We see them as profoundly brilliant portals that transport us to new dimensions of life.

We go through a Stargate when we:

  • lose or gain anything in life (a job, a lover, a partner, a friend, a home, an affiliation)
  • go through a period of aloneness
  • become seriously ill
  • are forced to learn something we didn’t want to have to
  • choose to truly devote ourselves to our spiritual lives
  • read a sacred elevated frequency text
  • pray or meditate
  • engage in a ‘mind-altering’ ceremony
  • write a book or article
  • overcome an addiction or transform a habit.

Nothing has just one level of meaning to a Starseed.

Most people walk through their challenges seeing them only superficially. Starseeds perceive multiple meanings in most things.

Starseeds pay very deep attention to their Stargates. It’s how we grow and expand ourselves. We know there’s something truly wonderful on the other end.

Warp isn’t simply a bending or twisting or the jump to light speed of a Star Trek ship. It’s a spiritual quantum leap you make.

Ceiling isn’t just the top wall of a room or the upper limit of a thing. It’s a frequency level you arise beyond once you’ve passed through a phase of spiritual evolution.

And Stargate isn’t just a make-believe portal you’ve seen on TV. It’s an actual portal you, as Starseed, can travel through time, space and dimension. Equally so, it’s a portal of Light transference that takes you through intense corridors of learning and becoming.

See every course-of-living-Stargate for what it is. Acknowledge and bless it.

Call it by name:


Speaking and thinking the very name Stargate will lift you as you go through life lessons, challenges and rites of passage. Welcome these great portals of Light for the richness they bring to your Starseed life.

¹ Starseeds are blueprinted for the ability to travel Stargates. We either encounter a Stargate to pass through or we open one to project through.

Purusha Radha
Starseed, time traveler, writer
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