Starseed Spirituality Demands You Let Go the Concept of Time.

Purusha Radha
6 min readDec 9, 2023


Starting somewhere around third grade math we were taught the number line. We learned there were positive and negative integers on that number line. (It’s an actual reflection of the pairs of opposites and the duality we live in.) And as we labeled our number lines, the idea of strict sequence was also drilled into our minds.

A neverending spiral of white and golden Light

Numbers and counting reinforces in our logical minds that everything is ordered in a chronological sequence. They teach us to dissect and create divisions, categories, and labels. And they develop our very logical computer minds.

We observe motion going in one direction. Our logical minds become acutely aware of a seeming sequence of things. And so we train our minds from the get-go to put things like time in chronological order.

In order to participate and survive here, we live by the clock and the calendar. The idea of living fluid lives doesn’t even, can’t even enter our minds.

We all agree to the measurement of time and so we make chronological time our 3D reality.

The world we see here in the third dimension is the product of a visual mass agreement.

We use this agreement to locate ourselves in the cosmos. Even the heavens participate in this agreement. They bow to, comply and align their movement with our thoughts and beliefs.

In this 3D agreement ruled by time, labels and divisions, we get caught up in patterns. We very faithfully replicate patterns over and over again in virtually every aspect of our lives.

And we never even question if there’s any other way of thinking, being and looking at life.

We’re so used to the linear, contained and defined, we expect many experiences we don’t even want.

So we create them… over and over again.

Stuck in recreating patterns we detest we rarely try to see and understand why we keep doing this.

Our most ancient ancestors in the ‘time before time’ — the time of the Upper World, perceived time outside of themselves.

In our way of describing history, our most ancient ancestors lived many ages ago — further back in time than the calendar we count.

Sequential time was not even part of their thinking. They lived in Free Space.

We think we’re such evolved beings but these were the truly advanced ones. These entities lived precisely in the moment — in the Now.

They found life to be very rich for them in the Now.

Later, in the age of Aries (circa 2000 BC to AD 1) and somewhat into the age of Pisces (circa AD 1 to AD 2000), many of our ancestors began to view time as cyclical.

The concept of time — or timelessness — had begun to degenerate into something more measurable. But at least they used the rhythms and cycles to live, survive and thrive.

They realized that everything was alive and significant. This included what they couldn’t perceive with their five senses. They knew there was more than they could see, hear, touch, smell, and taste. And they were open to knowing that kind of Unknown.

They keenly observed nature and the heavens, and life was magical for many of them.

And now, advanced beings that we think we are, we’ve degenerated even further.

  • We’re not timeless beings.
  • Almost none of us live according to natural cycles.
  • Time, the calendar and the clock run and limit our lives.

We forget who we are, that we’re more than human, in fact, Divine beings who should be living outside of time.

Few of us know we have ancestors who can guide us. We don’t ever try to tap into ancestral knowledge stored right within us.

You’re probably aware of the esoteric concept that time does not exist.

One understanding of the non-existence of time is that…

all timelines or experiences converge on each other simultaneously.

The future is happening now. So is the past. All our perceptions of timing are, in fact, simultaneous.

It seems preposterous. This isn’t reasonable! But such a high level concept can’t be reasoned with the logical mind.

In the words of Albert Einstein himself:

The distinction between the past, present and future is only a stubbornly persistent illusion.

But let’s just take that simple number line again and use it to sort of prove the point.

We all know there are an infinite number of integers on that line.

Take the line and extend it into the future with future positive integers and past negative integers. The line goes into infinity while existing in the Now. Everything on that line is happening Now.

We rarely even entertain the possibility that all timelines, moments in time, or experiences in infinite directions are available to us for knowledge, understanding, wisdom and accelerated evolution right now.

Starseeds, by our very nature, are time travelers. We’ve returned from the ‘future’ to assist in the graduation of the human race into the higher worlds. We have simultaneous existing selves in future points in time which we define as advanced dimensions. But they live in the Now and watch over us Now.

Time isn’t a big deal to a Starseed. When you travel like that through so-called space and time, you see how time is a no-thing. When you know you can travel like that tonight, tomorrow or right now, times doesn’t exist for you really. And time definitely isn’t in the consciousness of our simultaneous 7D and 12D existing selves.

Ancient Rome in another simultaneous layer of existence with and extraterrestrial craft of Light hovering overhead

History is NOT what’s recorded.

We’ve only been given a smattering of true history because the writers of history have no idea of multidimensionality. Let alone they pick and choose what to tell us.

We call certain civilizations ancient but they’re not ancient by any means. They still live on today just in another simultaneous layer of existence.

This is a multidimensional universe filled with layers of existence.

And it’s why we have phenomena like the Mandela Effect. The phrase was coined after many people believed Nelson Mandela died in the 1980s when he actually died in 2013.

So called scholars want to call the Mandela Effect ‘false collective memory.’ That definition works for you if you can’t see beyond your five senses or your most limited logical mind.

Just how are so many people going to coincidentally and collectively have a false memory of the very same event?

The universe doesn’t operate by coincidence.

Based on our collective consciousness, we’re jumping timelines all the time. And it’s why some people remember major events happening contrary to the way history recorded it. Not everyone is going to remember, but many will as the Mandela Effect people proved.

The lower 3D world maintains separation and measurement to keep us from seeing our Unlimitedness.

Complying with the division and measurement the 3D world requires is how we can be controlled.

If we really knew we were boundless and limitless, well then, what would Earth’s dark controllers do?

The universe is an infinity of space. And even the word space is limited because it creates the impression of finiteness. But it’s a perceived impression, not reality.

Why would the universe be limited to the finite? It’s created by the Unlimited One Itself — God the Infinite. God doesn’t do finite or limited. I know we can both agree on that.

Both universe and timelines are nested within themselves an incalculable number of times. They’re not out there and out there and out there.

They’re all right here and Now.

We have to start entertaining this possibility to help us embrace the very same multidimensionality of ourselves.

This is where we discover the foreverness of ourselves.

In our expanded self-exploration, we’ll drill down to our Point Zero — the core of our beings. And then we’ll discover another Point Zero, and another and another…

We’re not here to live hum-drum 3D lives of “this is the way it’s always been and I’m not changing.” We’re here to reach beyond the selves we perceive with our five senses — into the true 99% of reality.

Living only on a microscopic point on the head of a pin…

in the multiverse of multiverses…

across all infinite timelines…

is really not all there is.

It’s definitely where some people and forces want to keep us though.

As long as we resign ourselves to measuring what truly can’t be measured, we’ll live such limited lives.

Reject what you’ve been fed by ego narrow minded despots who really and truly don’t have a clue about Measureless Infinite Life. Step out of the devolved concept called time.

Purusha Radha
Starseed, time traveler, writer
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