The Greatest Truth Is This. Life Doesn’t Just Happen To Us. We Create It.

Purusha Radha
6 min readSep 20, 2023


The word happen is a big part of most people’s speech. We so often share how something happened to us. Even when we clearly know we were responsible for making a big mistake, we still say it happened to us. The truth we all need to wake up to is that life doesn’t just happen to us. We create it.

And when enough of us start taking full responsibility for our lives is when everything will change. That’s when the world will become the world we so desperately desire to live in.

I recently took a trip to Italy and came down with Covid while I was there visiting my friend. It pretty much messed up my entire vacation and I was only too glad to come home and get completely well.

A friend called me to find out about my trip. And I heard myself say to him, “A bad thing happened to me while I was in Italy.”

I caught myself and corrected my statement: “Let me correct that. I created a completely different trip than what I had originally envisioned. I sat next to coughing people on the plane and days later, I had Covid.”

No one would ever consciously create getting sick like that on a visit to a foreign country. But I’ve learned that on some level I create even the things I truly believe I don’t want.

Sometimes, you have a soul contract to fulfill with another person.

You made a promise to be part of a life lesson you and others would mutually experience together. I think this was partly it for me and my friend who got Covid from me, by the way.

We had conversations that I can only describe as arresting. I saw an aspect of my friend I hadn’t fully accepted before. I was astonished by the things she said to me. And I also saw utter bewilderment on her face — as if her brain could not compute — when I demanded she respect the choices I make for my own body.

We can’t expect that life will run 100% smoothly as a lala froufrou existence. But we can create within its framework of challenges that we meet them with grace.

I saw this as one big grand lesson. And I also know there may be more awarenesses yet to come about this lesson.

When I don’t immediately fully know why I created a negative event, the answer is soon revealed to me. And those answers are always mind-blowing. They’re usually hold-your-head-in-your-hands kinds of revelations.

So I’m looking forward to receiving those revelations.

Sometimes a negative event is part of the script you wrote for yourself before incarnating.

There was something you wanted to learn and you knew this would be the perfect way to learn it. Here too, concerning my trip, I see the truth in this.

I was well enough to return home. And if I thought certain realizations I’d had about my friend in Italy were big that was only the beginning.

Every single experience on my journey home was full of revelation for me as I observed people and life in a whole new light. I got home exhausted and all I could do was lay in my bed and receive awarenesses one after the other.

Next, a dark night of the soul hovered over me for several days. I had interest in nothing. The happiness and joy I had were gone. I worried if I’d get them back.

Thankfully, I quickly emerged and got my mojo back.

I ad hexperienced an enormous spiritual expansion as a result of dealing with Covid.

I share my story to say it’s wiser not to look at any thing as having happened to you.

We often mystically create opportunities for ourselves that lead us to quantum leaps in our growth.

What about the state of our nation? How do you take responsibility for that?

Collective consciousness is in play here, this is true. And while one person can make a difference, sometimes the overriding mass consciousness is quite powerfully negative.

And so we must constantly envision the world we wish to live in. When a critical mass number of minds aligns with that vision, it will take shape.

Until then, we create a bubble for ourselves to live in. Make it a sphere of light and protection that uplifts you beyond the base third dimension.

Consciously elevate yourself so that no matter what mass consciousness creates, you’ll still be living the life you desire.

Blaming everyone else is the easy way. It’s not the way of a Master.

The first book I ever read on the subject of creating your reality was published in the mid-eighties by Arnold Patent. His book, You Can Have It All, rang true for me. I had a local spiritually based radio show at the time and interviewed him about his book.

I remember the precise moment during that conversation when I felt a conflict wage in my mind. Patent said the fateful words, “You create your own reality.” And I’d heard others say it before him, but there was something about that moment.

I really wanted to believe it. It made sense to me as a person who’d read tons of books on universal principle. I was good with the concept on the surface. But in that one precise moment, a mental conflict created an emotion of resistance within me.

We too often just don’t want to accept personal responsibility for our lives and our world. That requires us to be honest with ourselves and it takes energy.

It’s far easier to just blame everything on the rest of the world. We prefer to complain, whine, and moan about our state of affairs. It gives us a sense that we’re doing something when, in truth, we’re just spinning our wheels.

When we delegate responsibility to entities outside of ourselves we put ourselves in a prison. In that self-created prison, we’re having to constantly depend on choices made by everyone else but us.

And with that belief, how can we ever possibly hope to have charge of our own lives?

Our whining and complaints just continue to create more of the same. Without realizing it we demonstrate the universal principle of Like Attracts Like. We draw everything to us that’s a match for what’s going on in our minds.

We’ve got to learn to be Masters of mind and thought. It takes energy but it’s a practice beyond worthy of pursuing.

We need to accept the fact that we create everything in our lives. That means we can recreate what we don’t like. If we have the power to create, then we have the power to discreate and recreate.

Consciously creating our lives is a tried-and-true principle. All kinds of Masters before us have demonstrated it. They’ve created their reality as everything we would ever want to have.

We simply have to accept this liberating universal truth that we create our own reality. We can free ourselves of the prison where life just happens to us. We can fly through life freely knowing that we create every speck of it and what a great feeling that is!

Purusha Radha
Starseed, time traveler, writer
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