To Accelerate Your Evolution on the Spiritual Path You Have to Do the Work.

Purusha Radha
8 min readJun 4, 2023


You’re relatively new on the spiritual path. You’ve observed spiritual Masters and you want to be like them. You’ve opened a door to the grand universe within and outside of you and you’re excited, but you’re beginning to realize this isn’t an overnight process.

Instant Gratification Is Not the Way

You want it all now — the clarity, intuition, inner serenity and stability, sense of Self, the Christic nature, near on-demand manifestation of the things we desire, unlimitedness and limitless wisdom, and even the lofty abilities of levitation and teleportation.

You just didn’t realize that every gift on this path is earned.

In all my years encountering people on the spiritual path, I’ve noticed that so very many want the gifts that higher consciousness creates without really having to work for it.

I guess that’s the way most people are no matter what kind of lifestyle or path they’ve chosen. The good old 80/20 rule seems to prevail in all aspects of life on earth.

It Takes Energy to Develop Your Spiritual Self

Believe it or not, we need physical energy for our spiritual development. When physical energy is absent we have less mental energy. Both physical and mental energy are absolutely required for the spiritual.

Did you know it takes a great deal of energy to digest a meal and that this one simple thing actually detracts from the ability to be clear in meditation?

If you’ve ever been tired after eating a meal, this is an indication your body needs you to lay down or nap so that it can conserve energy enough to get your food properly digested.

It takes anywhere from five to 15 percent of your body’s daily energy to digest all your food depending on whether it’s protein, fat or carbohydrates. If your digestive system is sluggish and out-of-balance, it’s probably going to take even more.

Add to this all the other energy draining activities we engage in in the course of a day and there isn’t so much left for the equally, if not more more important things in life: meditation, study, prayer, devotion, mentally creating our day, and contemplation, to name some of them.

This is why people find fasting to be very beneficial for their spiritual life. Not only does it give them more mental clarity, the significantly decreased need to digest food frees up that energy for earnest meditation and other practices.

And while spiritual practices consistently engaged in are ultra-important to one on a spiritual path, sometimes they end up last on the list.

Is Laziness Why Some People Remain Inert On Their Spiritual Path?

There’s a commonly held scientific belief that human beings are basically lazy. But I’m not so sure laziness is the reason for half-hearted attempts at an accomplished spiritual reality.

It can be part of the picture but it’s not anywhere near the whole picture.

But if laziness is the reason for holding back a robust spiritual life, what actually is behind laziness? I think that’s the real question.

The answer to that question is: You don’t really want it.

I’ve learned in life that everyone has time, money or energy to do the things they really want to do.

The Spiritual Life Demands Focused Consciousness

The spiritual life requires not just more focus but focused consciousness. It requires us to really and truly apply ourselves and you have to want to do it.

Eating is easy. You eat and digest. Going to work everyday may not always be enjoyable but we’re motivated to receive a paycheck so we just do it.

Sustained focused consciousness is not for people who don’t really want to evolve or who don’t have the energy for it.

But if you really want it, you’ll find the ways to create the energy you need to pursuing the spiritual life in earnest — to put the effort in to realize a remarkable elevation in consciousness.

So now we have the answer. It’s not laziness or lack of energy.

It’s just about how much do you truly want it.

Most people will eventually realize higher consciousness no matter what, but it’s more a matter of how long that will take.

Those who carve out time and prioritize their chosen spiritual practices will find themselves reaching new frontiers in mysticism as a matter of course.

In the end, either choice should not be judged. Either choice — whether you’re mostly passive or mostly deliberate — is seen in the eyes of all eternity as beautiful and perfect.

But if you want to make real progress in your personal continual awakening and raising of consciousness…

you’ve got to do the work.

The Fear Factor

But there’s another factor in play here. And that factor is fear — the predominant emotion in most of our lives whether we realize or admit it or not.

Fear of failure or fear of success in any thing will have us procrastinating or avoiding altogether.

Where does fear come from?

It most certainly doesn’t come from the soul or Spirit. It’s a paradox to divinity.

Fear comes from thoughts driven by the ego mind — the opponent of divinity.

Ego lives for fear and every time we comply by entertaining those thoughts and subsequent emotion we strengthen the corresponding neural pathways in the brain. And then we perpetuate a pattern or cycle that justifies excuses and avoidance or mere dabbling in the thing we say we truly want.

Unconsciousness in the Beginning Is Understandable

Then there is just plain unconsciousness which is very understandable in the beginning of one’s spiritual path. Of course, you may not be starting at zero but you’re darn pretty close.

You don’t know. Moreover, you don’t know how much you truly do not know.

But you’ve discovered this something wonderful and it’s exciting and alluring. The opening leg of the spiritual path is something of a honeymoon period.

You’ve been to the crystal shops and the lady told you the lapis lazuli is what you need for greater insight and intuition.

You’ve been to the psychics and the only one worth her salt has urged you to begin a consistent meditation practice. The others all just want to tell you about a past life which rarely holds any meaning for your now, but you like massaging your ego anyway with the intriguing and self-gratifying past life scenarios she’s describing for you.

You love throwing the phrase, “Love and Light,” about but you don’t really know the meaning of it. Your life is so full of drama and distraction, you’re the one that needs the love and Light.

But all in due time… you’ll get there if you’ll give yourself the chance.

Honest Self-Discovery Is the Greatest Gift on the Spiritual Path

The novelty dissipates at some point when you get to the leg of the journey where the real work begins. I call it work but perhaps it’s more like honest self-discovery.

There will be many blind spots you’ve had you didn’t know about. They will become visible to you and beg for transformation.

There will be emotional traumas from your past you will have to integrate within yourself. This is how you heal. And healing is an integral part of the true spiritual journey.

But with each step on the journey you realize more. You become more of that Self which is hidden underneath the façade or the mask.

And one day you can look back and see the enormously vast wake of growth you’ve left behind you and you clearly see how different you are today than all those years ago when you started.

Some People Get Stuck In the Honeymoon Period and In Superficiality
Through the years I’ve received many emails from spiritual people looking for guidance. One thing I’ll never do is patronize anyone. My teacher never patronized me. And she didn’t entertain superficial chatter.

I learned from a great Master.

I’m often asked in these emails what they should do to accomplish time travel or to find out what planet they came from.

And the counsel I offer isn’t all that demanding. It’s just that you must be consistent.

But after a few emails back and forth, the people vanish and I suppose they are on to the next person they perceive to be a wayshower who maybe will tell them all the things they want to hear like who they were in another life.

You can’t go forward if you’re preoccupied with what happened backwards in time.

I get it. I was once pretty superficial myself and I probably still am in ways I may not be fully aware of. My prayer is that I see myself more clearly with each passing day.

But yes, I presented myself to my very evolved teacher way back in the beginning as someone who meant well but didn’t really have a clue about the depth of the journey of learning and new awarenesses I was embarking on.

I asked her silly questions I wish I could go back and change.

She didn’t shun or scorn me and she saw no question as silly.

Basically, my questions betrayed my superficiality. I was hoping for a shortcut back then, too.

But she didn’t patronize me or my emotional displays either. And that spoke volumes of wisdom to me that I’ve carried to this day.

Over time and sticking with it, I began to get it and I’ve realized how blessed I’ve been to have a Master return to this plane to remind me of the truth and in no uncertain ways.

Time Flies On the Spiritual Path

So today, I can look back over more than three decades of this spiritual path I’ve sometimes trudged and at other times glided upon.

But it all seems like yesterday and I’m glad I immersed myself to the best of my ability in study, experience and practice.

Eventually, the doing becomes the being. And just by your very being you are doing all you need to do.

And the way you get to that point later in your journey of Spirit is by diving fully in right now.

You’ll never get where you want to be by staying on the surface in the lala froufrou world of fakeness and unconsciousness.

The gifts of a spiritual lifetime are all earned over time. They are all there waiting for you. You just have to focus your consciousness and then take them into your hands.

Purusha Radha
Starseed, time traveler, writer
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