Travel to the Underworld to Heal Past Traumas.

My own tale is a testament to this utterly transformative experience.

Purusha Radha
7 min readNov 19, 2023

Like you, I’m sure, whenever I heard the term Underworld, I assumed it was a place of darkness and evil. I thought it was a scary, negative, awful place you definitely want to stay away from.

I learned it’s actually quite the opposite.

The Underworld is not hell. It’s a reflection of you — of what’s going on emotionally inside of you. What’s going on under the masks we wear, under the façade — that’s what the Underworld reflects back.

Many cultures have believed in the Underworld and have seen it many different ways. To the Mayans, the Underworld was called Xibalba.

The underworld represents many, many things to the Maya. It is the source of the wind and the rain, of corn; it is home to the beloved dead, and Xibalba — the place of fright.

But mostly it is a church —

a place to enter the realm of the gods.

— Stephen Alvarez, Maya Underworld, National Geographic Magazine

For Mayans, Underworld is a cave deep underground where they practice spiritual rites many of which bring healing.

The Mayans might consider it a place of fright since the darkness of underground caves can be scary.

But also in the still, dark quiet here you are with yourself. In this space, you’re more likely to be confronted with things you might never have wanted to look at. But they’re things that you must face if you want to complete your soul.

For me, and hopefully for you too, the Underworld isn’t a physical cave carved in the earth. It’s a magical healing place suspended in space and time.

This Underworld isn’t a place of evil and darkness. It’s a mystical mysterious place that encourages, if not forces, healing and emotional integration.

You can project yourself to this Underworld by your intention. It’s a bit of a discipline and you have to want to do it. But journeying to the Underworld is an exquisite and quite permanent way to heal emotional hurts and traumas.

The Underworld isn’t evil or terrible—only if you believe it is.

I’m sharing the story of my very first visit to the Underworld to show you what’s possible. It will show you that the Underworld isn’t evil or terrible. And though it may be a bit dark, it’s not frightful unless you project it to be so.

If you think you might ever like to practice journeying to the Underworld for healing, read the following account with detachment. This is so that when you do go there your journey will be purely and creatively yours.

I had this experience quite spontaneously in a conscious time travel excursion.¹ The only thing I ‘planned’ was to see if I could go to the Underworld since I gathered that it helped people integrate their traumas.

And by the way, I’ve traveled to the Upperworld too (and many other other places in space and time). I’ve used what I call the Elevator Technique outlined in my book¹ to get to both places. The Elevator is the most effective method for Underworld and Upperworld travel since an elevator goes up and down.

A darkish green underworld of forest trees, crows and an old wise one holding the ExCalibur sword; a human hand’s pointer finger presses and elevator call button going down.
I use the Elevator Technique to travel to the Underworld.

I open the doors to the Underworld.

I got myself still, quiet and peaceful laying in my bed. In my mind, I conjured an elevator door. I pressed the button going down. The doors opened and I stepped inside.

Among other buttons one call button said UNDERWORLD and I pressed it. After a second or two, the doors opened onto a dark forest with mist rolling into my elevator car.

I happened to look down at my right hand and I was holding a lit candle.

When I looked out the open doorway at the forest again, I was faced with a very large snow white wolf with blue eyes. I felt no fear.

I walked out onto the forest floor feeling cool wet moss under my bare feet. Almost like a person would do, the wolf motioned with his head for to me to climb on his back. I instinctively grabbed the nape of his neck and he started running rapidly through the forest. The final leg of this run had us running up a mountain. I held tightly onto him more than ever.

The supernatural dragon awaits.

At the summit an enormous supernatural dragon was stoically waiting for me.

I dismounted the wolf and looking down at my legs I was now a young boy of about 12 or 13 in tattered pants.

The dragon breathed a ring of fire around me. And then the first buried trauma was revealed to me.

I remembered a timeline/lifetime as a boy who had a gift of great mystical sight. But I was persecuted and hanged for it.

The dragon telepathically asked me why I’d been holding myself back. (And all the time I thought I’d really been going for it!)

The dragon assured me the same end wouldn’t come to me this lifetime. I had written in protections for myself before incarnating this time.

I felt wave upon wave of love from the wise dragon.

Next he told me to step inside his body. I was hesitant but knowing this was all happening in a dimension beyond physical 3D, I complied.

There inside the dragon was glowing red warmth. And two more traumas were spontaneously revealed to me, one after the other.

I’ve never been able to consciously remember the third trauma but I do remember the second.

In the second trauma memory I saw myself give birth to a firstborn child. My child was literally pulled out from me and given to another family to raise. I was abjectly heartbroken.

As I relived this trauma, I wept quietly in my bed.

My son at that time who I understood to be my son in this lifetime thrived with his new parents and life. But as a mother I was happy to see that.

Faced with the original trauma I understood why I’ve feared losing my son this lifetime. Other people judged my fears and behaviors. But now having this experience I got it. And now I could let go of it.

A white wolf in the Underworld with piercing blue eyes stares at you, the viewer.

Integrate your emotions. Don’t shun them.

I took time to look at each trauma as it came up and from all angles. I instinctively knew that was important to do.

The dragon and the wolf waited patiently by while I acknowledged the traumas and then felt profound appreciation for each one.

I felt deep appreciation for these revelations and most of all for what they taught me. They make up who I am today and I’m the best I’ve ever been.

Next I had to truly integrate the emotions from these traumas. Instead of wrapping them up and sending them to God the Infinite, I consumed them.

I pulled each trauma into a cool blue flame in my crystal heart integrating them fully into my being.

I finally emerged from the belly of the dragon. And now it was both wolf and I who climbed onto the dragon’s back for a ride down to the forest floor.

The dragon took us to a massive tree with a hollowed out lower trunk and I crawled inside it. There I lay in the fetal position for a while with wolf standing sentry at the door. I felt such warmth from the wolf’s body while the tree slowly dripped sap onto me.

When my healing experience was complete and I returned to alpha state back in my bed, I was exhausted. I had to take an hour long nap. But even after the nap it took me some time to collect myself from my very altered state.

This first journey to the Underworld was one of the most profound experiences of my life.

I assure you that traveling to the Underworld for healing and emotional integration can be one of the most rewarding journeys you’ll ever take.

You may discover how past traumas you never even had conscious knowledge of reveal themselves for clearing. This might inspire you to visit the mysterious Underworld at least from time to time.

Sometimes we have no idea just how deeply events even from other lifetimes still affect us to this day.

Unresolved trauma plays an enormous role in our lives — more than we realize. They’re responsible for many of the repetitive negative patterns we seem to be stuck with in our lives.

Now add to this that you’re a starseed or lightworker. You’re a virtual homeopathic for the planet who’s come to help clear Earth of its collective trauma. So every time we integrate a trauma we do it both for ourselves and for all others.

Traveling to the Underworld is incredibly magical, loving, honest and profoundly healing. I’ve never ever had a bad experience there.

Make sure you go into your journey feeling sovereign, protected and with pure intentions for healing. Don’t do this practice if you don’t feel strong within yourself.

Clearing emotional traumas in the Underworld is just about my most favorite time travel excursion of all — that’s how wonderful it is.

If you’d like to learn how to project yourself through space, time and dimension, please consult my book ¹ or send me an email. My contact info. is below.

¹ My Conscious Time Travel Book

Purusha Radha
Starseed, time traveler, writer
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