You Only Get In Life What You Agree To, Accept and Then Create.

Change your agreements to get the life you really want.

Purusha Radha
7 min readOct 5, 2023

The main avenue through my town is pretty ugly I have to say. I don’t live in a necessarily depressed area either. The road is homely and I wish it were beautiful.

This is what I see. I don’t like it and I used to think there’s nothing I can do about it. Thinking I was just a passive recipient of what other people create, I never realized I create my entire universe.

The beautiful city street I’d love to see.

Everything we experience is a reflection of our agreement to it.

The more I study quantum mechanics I discover how wrong I was. I’m as wrong about the unchangeability of my town’s main drag as are people who religiously plot their lives according to astrological events.

Quantum mechanics basically tells us that everything we experience is a reflection of our agreement to or observation of it.

It tells us that we observe a thing and that thing responds in kind to our observation.

That’s another but more accurate way saying:

It’s what we believe in, so we create it.

It’s what we fervently believe in therefore quantum particles coagulate and rearrange themselves as if to bow to our belief.

And if that is so, then we are truly masters of the universe. The only thing is for most of us it’s in name only.

Most of us don’t realize we’re meant to have dominion over our world and our lives. And so we don’t develop ourselves to have that creative mastery.

Some of us believe that we create our reality. Why would that ability stop at manifesting $1000 or a romantic partner?

The universe doesn’t pick and choose. It runs on laws that work across the board.

The same law we use to create a cash windfall is the very same law we use to create a beautiful street to drive on.

I mentioned people who rearrange their lives according to astrology above. They’ve got it wrong because the stars and planets actually bow to our thoughts and beliefs. They adjust to our beliefs. We don’t need to adjust to them.

Even recorded history is the product of a visual agreement. We’re only familiar with one version of history because that’s the one we all agree on. And then we keep reaffirming it so we leave no space for any other possibilities.

When you begin to understand quantum physics, you see how ridiculous it is to live like victims.

We’ve been programmed for all kinds of agreements.

Within us exists a zero point quantum field — our creative core state. It has always existed and will exist forever.

Our thoughts and beliefs affect that quantum state. And our quantum state causes our environment to line up with our minds. So if we’re constantly agreeing with ‘what is’ then we’ll continue to get ‘what is.’

And here’s what most of us don’t fully get or perhaps want to get.

The power of the creative mind and quantum state goes all the way down to the ground we walk on. We’re that responsible for our reality.

You may say your life is not the way you want it. I get it. We all struggle with that.

Your life only looks that way because you still practice agreements that hold it in place. These are agreements both you and I accepted all the way back to our birth.

We enter into these agreements by default. That’s the program here on earth. We wish it weren’t that way, but on the other hand it pushes us to grow and evolve.

But that’s what we have to break free of — the programming of agreements. It takes a bit of discipline to keep affirming something other than what you see. I’m not going to sugar coat it.

We’re incredibly faithful at replicating patterns we don’t even like over and over all through our lives. Why not redirect that faith and use it in a positive and constructive way?

Rarely do we ever question if there’s any other way of thinking or being.

It doesn’t even occur to us that we keep naming things as a result of what our eyes see and not for what we desire.

“This town is ugly.” “I’m lonely.” “I’m fat.”

It doesn’t even occur to us that we get what we expect to get.

So realizing this, I began changing many agreements I’d made by default. I even decided to expect to see the main road through my city look beautiful.

And just a few days later, I did see something different. The city planted a massive blanket of the most gorgeous yellow flowers on the median. This was out of the ordinary for them. It wasn’t an entire street transformation, but I’ll take it.

You might say it was going to happen anyway. Who knows? At least I’m willing to expand my thinking. That’s got to be a positive as I recreate my life.

Change your agreements with your words.

We’re so used to living worn out molds and patterns, we don’t recognize we can begin to change everything with…

the word.

Declare what you agree to in this world both out loud and silently to yourself.

Would you like to stop aging? Do you want to have fully developed psychic abilities? How about overflowing abundance? Would you just like to be happy?

Change your agreements and flood your speech with new affirmations about what those are.

Jesus said this about our, yes our, ability to command miracles:

“Through the concentration of the spoken word, they will multiply the loaves and fishes.

And as they break the bread or pour the oil for the multitude, it will never diminish but there will always be an abundance left.

They will calm the raging sea or tempest by their command and gravitation will be overruled by levitation for their command is the command of God.”*

And when you name a thing you invoke a creative power.

“Man must have a name for everything. Once he has named a thing, he has power to bring it into existence.

If man names anything through true reverence, worship, and praise, he can and does become that which he names…

He becomes the ideal which he presents for himself to follow.”¹

“This road is gorgeous.” “I have new wonderful friends.” “My body is perfect and full of vitality.”

So name yourself a creative Master with dominion over your environment and life. Watch yourself step into the title.

Name or describe your real desires.

Let your Great Spirit hear what it is you agree to — not the lesser version you have now.

You have to constantly focus on what you expect — not on what you see.

When Judas betrayed Jesus, Jesus didn’t say, “Judas betrayed me.” He didn’t refer to Judas at all. It wasn’t worth his energy.

What Jesus did say was, “Now is the son of man glorified and God is glorified in him.”

Why give your energy to exterior people, things or events that offer you nothing?

Focus every speck of energy on the life you agree to.

“There is a difficulty with only one person changing. People call that person a great saint or a great mystic or a great leader, and they say, ‘Well, he’s different from me. I could never do it.’

What’s wrong with most people is that they have this block. They feel they could never make a difference, and therefore, they never face the possibility, because it is too disturbing, too frightening.”

— David Bohm, twentieth century theoretical physicist who contributed unorthodox ideas to quantum theory and the Mind.

I include that quote because most of us don’t believe we can be that great. We’re afraid that if we take matters in hand we might have to start being responsible. Afraid to venture out of what’s known, we think we’re comfortable but we’re lying to ourselves.

Miracles seem out of our range but only because we’ve agreed to it.

We look at real manifesters like Jesus as exceptions instead of our examples. As long as we peg Jesus or other Masters exceptions, we never have to expend any energy.

And we force ourselves to be content with what someone else created for us.

Get the life you truly agree to and wholeheartedly accept.

Jesus would be the first one to tell you he came to be an example. We all know he said we can do even greater things than he did.

Every day, expect your day and your life to agree with your thoughts and visualizations.

Stop reaffirming what you see. These are the products of someone else’s agreements and creations.

Raise yourself up. Keep affirming your greatest expectations and watch them one-by-one start taking shape in your life. No kidding. It’s happening for me. It will happen for you.

¹ From Life and Teaching of the Masters of the Far East, Vol. 1. N.p., DeVorss & Company, 1935.

Purusha Radha
Starseed, time traveler, writer
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